Hi there,

So, I managed to stumble across a fairly debilitating bug, or at least it would be if trade routes weren't the most disgustingly overpowered thing in the game.

After upgrading my research from (25% Industry to Science) to (50% Industry to Science) with the previous research still active on some of my planets, the game appears to have bugged out and is treating the Industry from the planet as 0. When I apply the new technology (50% Industry to Science) to these planets, the Industry falls from 0 into negative my Industry production.

The particular save that I found the bug on isn't too bad, as through the trade routes I am earning more than 1500k per turn (Selling 999 Luxuries of multiple types) and I can just purchase whatever I need on the planets, however, on a save where you might not be in such a position the bug is fairly gamebreaking.

Just by inspecting the FIDSI report on the side, I'd imagine the issue here is that when the previous research was replaced automatically, it didn't unapply the affects to the planet's production. Even without the research in queue, the FIDSI report is still indicating that there's a negative from "Conversion".


I've uploaded the save and dxdiag here. Hope this is helpful to some degree!

AutoSave 873.zip


Another thing I've noticed on this particular save is that once again I'm experiencing extreme slowdown on some of the menus and responsiveness of the game in general. Whenever I get to close to turn 100 on Fast mode the game seems to suffer pretty heavily on a turn by turn basis.

Edit: I've also noticed that for some reason, I'm not getting any combat EXP on my heroes at all. I've got one particular hero who is stuck at level 5 and refuses to level up, no matter how much exp he's dumped. It's this guy:


Best Regards,
