The tooltip for the minor faction Praise modifier says "Making another action will increase the value and reset the duration". This is misleading since it sounds like you can stack the modifier and extend it at the higher amount for the entire new duration. That is:

Praise once, +2 per turn for 10 turns.

Wait 9 turns, 1 turn left

Do another Praise, now it shows +4 per turn for 10 turns.

However, next turn when the original +2/10 turns expires, it'll drop back to +2 / 9 turns left instead of remaining as +4 / 9 turns left.

It is fine if each Praise lasts 10 turns and you can do multiple at once and they overlap. In that case, I suggest "Praise" appear multiple times under Modifiers, so you can see when each Praise effect is going to expire.

Or, if this is a bug and you are supposed to get a benefit to stacking multiple Praises before they expire each time (so the amount for 10 more turns is higher and higher), then consider this a bug report.

Basically, when you praise once on turn 1 and once on turn 6, are you supposed to end up in total 5 turns of +2 followed by 10 turns of +4? Or 5 turns of +2, 5 turns of +4, then 5 turns of +2 again once initial praise expired. Latter case is how game works now, former case is (imo) what tooltip suggests.