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No ocean on lava planets...

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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 9:40:30 AM

Imagine a vast, deep, mysterious and seemingly infinite ocean... But it's made of lava!

Lava sharks are my new phobia..

Jokes aside - we may do a new check pass on anomaly prerequisites but I personally think this particular combination is fine, however if players judge it to be too far fetched (maybe due to the illustration) we can absolutely consider looking at it :)

It's funny actually because yesterday night I was playing Subnautica and I found this gigantic Sea Dragon in an underwater lava zone, about 1 Km deep under the surface... Chilling experience!

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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 1:46:54 PM

hehe, I could imagine that, but when i see the words "ocean" and i see a pic of a whale, it just makes me think that somebody just didn't think this through.

I love the game very much, and i'm by no way complaining. But... you know, those things need to be "realistic", at least for me.  

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