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V1.0.52 New game creation major issue, cannot customize more than 4 competitors

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8 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 7:57:53 PM

Summary / Title

Impossibility to set up more than 4 competitors in new game creation.


Whatever the session mode (single, public, protect.), if i want to set up more than 4 competitors, the settings start bugging above this limit, even if in "gameplay", "competitors", the option is on a higher number. I can customize my empire (color and all) till the fourth empire, above i just can't clic the option menu that allows me to choose AI's faction and its color. When i launch the game, i play with the right amount of faction but only 4 are customized, the 4 others are random. Happens ONLY WITHOUT mods cause if i play with mods like palette mods, scions of the endless it works normally, i can customize every competitors.

I think there is a link with mods installation, i didn't have a lot of bug before it but i'm totay ignorant about game dev, i am probably saying stupid things :p.

Steps to Reproduce

1. create a new game, try to set more than 4 competitors

2. Notice that the competitors customisation options aren't usable.



Expected Behavior

Possibility to parametrize every factions according to the right numbers of competitors chosen.


V1.0.52 S5 Gold-public French

V1.0.52 S5 Gold-public English


mods used : 

-rare elements palette mod (new colors for factions)

-scions of the endless ( adds new factions traits)

-influential amoeba (+1 influence to amoeba pop)

-major factions starting population (adds them as pop traits)


Btw sorry english is not my main language, i hope you understood.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 2:41:00 PM

Hello :)

Unfortunately we can't properly help you to troubleshoot the issue due to the use of mods..

Try disabling all your mods (especially the palette and faction traits) and report back?

Thank you :)

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 7:50:28 PM

Hello !

Every mods were already disabled when i sent the report and today i unsubscribed all of them and the problem persists. Now that i resubscribed them, i have the same problem with mods enabled, yesterday i had no problems with mods enabled, it was occuring only with mods disabled.

Mod installation problem perhaps ? Anyway i had to reinstall the game ! 

don't worry i'm also a tes/fallout player so bugs are part of the family now, even for endless i'm ok wih my freeze and pending turn or infinte loading screen ! Best games have best bugs ! 


- So once es2 is reinstalled, everything worked fine during the game creation, faction customisation in particular. I kept on playing few turns without having any problems  (except no sound on faction intro (United Empire only tested) and also with colonisation cinematic (a rainy planet) ).

- Then i resubscribed the mods (palette, traits, pops), new game creation was correct, i started the game with United Empire (no custom faction), and after few turns, new bug, my fleets couldn't moove anymore, stucked between two star systems. Erf. Escap, quit.

-Returned to the main menu, i disable all mods, and when i want to start a new game, our bug came back :

Same bug, i can't set AI's faction/colors and we can also see that sophons became very religious !

I think mods are clearly the problems ! You are the expert, i hope it brings for you more details to identify the problem. :)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 1:15:11 PM

Thanks Torahel for your report!
For the "Faction Colors" mods, we are looking at the bug.
That happens when you change a color with the mod enabled and then you disable it.
> In the New Game Screen, all colors after the one you have changed will be broken. To repair that, you can try to replace the faction color you have changed when the mod was enabled.
I keep you informed.

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