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Population Politics Bugs

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 11:20:30 PM

Many political traits for populations both for default races (major and minor) and custom races do not display properly and might not be working as intended.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a custom race and pick pulsos for a minor race to observe Automatists politcal trait.

2. Select a supportive political trait from the list below and the appropriate pro and anti positions. (Ex: Pacifists, Merchants, Anti-industrialists)

I - Industrialists
S - Scientists
P - Pacifists
E - Ecologist
R - Religious
M - Militarists

Merchants = I -> P
Monumentalists = I -> R
Aggressive = I -> M (displays but is at half strength, text is also incorrect)
Investors = P -> I
Conservationists = P -> E
Automatists = S -> I
Socialiogists = S -> P
Biologists = S -> E
Dutiful = R -> I
Virtuous = R -> P
Skeptics = R -> S
Fanatical = R -> M
Sanctuarists = R -> E
Pragmatic = M -> S
Preservationists = M -> E
Harvesters = E -> I
Druids = E -> R
Territorial = E -> M

3. Once you're in a game go to the population screen and observe the wheel. The impact that the traits should have are not displayed. Aggressive is a special case and leads me to believe it's not just a graphical error. Picture will be at the bottom.


36/36 (tested each one at least twice)

Expected Behavior

Image should be displayed showing that one political event will feed another and display the text as well.


1.0.52 S5 GOLD-Public


The Aggressive trait is unique in that it displays incorrect text showing that Industrialist events will provide 0 support to the Militarists.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 4:25:20 PM

Looks legit to me, great catch. I may be affecting a lot more than you realise.

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