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Horatio won't STFU

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 12:12:02 AM

Summary / Title

Horatio is spaming me with the same message


I currently at war with Lumeris. I Just went from cold war to peace with Horatio when the message started. Its the one where he tells you to ignore his scheming while you're at war with someone else. After closing it another popped up, then another, AND ANOTHER. It wouldnt stop, so I saved and reloaded. Message kept popping up so I ended the turn, and the spam continued.

Steps to Reproduce

load the save file I posted. I've never had this happen before and if I reload the beginning of the turn (before the deal is struck) it doesnt happen again.



Expected Behavior

Just one message, not a flood.


1.0.52 S5 Gold Public



Riftborn 3.zip

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 10:09:52 AM

Hey :)

This is a known issue we've been working on and which should soon be fixed!

In the meantime, you can disable the auto pop-up of a certain notification in the game's options or using the blue slider in the upper right corner of the notification when it appears.

Thank you for your report!

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