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Black Screen Space Combat/poll take freeze

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 1:34:45 PM

Hey ive been playing as the clones as a long term game where victory has happend etc but continued playing and have found when i got to fighting the Riftborn most space battles that i try to watch will start up then flick to a black screen if skip is clicked or if just left sometimes the battle sounds like its taking place but cant see anything and doesnt seem to ever finish from what i could tell this also stops you from quiting the battle as even tho it shows the text info box for the quit if you mouse over that area it doesnt work. This bug seems to be consient even after reloads and changing details of the battles and has only come about via end of game/first space battles with Riftborn vs clones

I have also had at times an issue where it will do the gov poll takes but will freeze up so cant you cant skip this i have had to get around by closing the game via task manager as it effectively freezes the game as you cant access any menu options while on that screen, then restarting game from the auto save this seems to be a random bug which comes and goes 

hope this helps 

p.s just a suggestion with the alliance maybe putting in some form of option to leave if a controdiction happends between members aka the AI has a habit which was also in the first game of forming truces with a none ally member who you are destorying which leads to waiting till truce ends which in some games can lead to an AI sneaking in a win during the truce

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 3:06:04 PM


I think you're encountering a known issue with teh Riftborn Carrier that would cause the game to break. A fix is being worked on, though :)

For your election problem, I'd like to have a save and Diagnostics files to see what's going wrong please!

Thank you!

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