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Lumeris dust indy -> conversion Capitalist Frenzy producing less than 25%

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8 years ago
Jun 8, 2017, 7:03:38 PM

1. Bug summary / Thread Title

Lumeris faction quest reward for 75% indy to dust produces less dust than 25% conversion.

2. Bug description

Same system, same turn, with 25% conversion produces 9K dust, with capitalist frenzy produces [1.0.11 preview]

Savefile to reproduce and observe all factors lumeris indy conversion.zip

3. Steps to reproduce

Complete lumeris faction Q to obtain "capitalist frenzy" indy conversion infinite upgrade

Use said upgrade on system

Compare results when using the lower tier technology conversion upgrade.

4. Reproducibility

Reliably can be clicked through back and forth and the numbers come up the same

5. Expected behavior

Capitalist frenzy conversion should produce triple amount of 25% conversion, which should amount to even higher difference when all dust bonuses are accounted for.

6. Version

Today's fresh 1.0.11 preview

7. Notes

Used pacified collection pop bonus custom race, which currently triggers food to indy conversion at 50 pop, the upgrade for food to indy conversion was also created, this lead to double conversion ratio on food to industry on initial turn of completion but then dissapeared, perhaps it's completely possible that 25% takes into acount double industry for food, while 75% does not, but even then the capitalist frenzy should end up producing more dust

8. Attachments /!\

lumeris indy conversion.zip

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