Title: Cannot invade enemy system after ending turn (still at war with the enemy)

Description: At turn 91, the fleet orbiting enemy star system Giazar can invade the system
but  not at turn 92 ( both turns still at war with the enemy ) [screenshot 1 and 2]

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Load the save file A
2. Click END TURN 91 (ignore the empty research and construction queue)
3. Click at the fleet orbiting star system Giazar

Reproducibility: 5/5

Expected Behavior: At turn 92, player should still be able to invade the system

Version: V1.0.52 S5 GOLD-Public

Notes: this is for save file B. I kept playing and at some point in the game I successfully invade the system but the enemy influence circle did not go away. I can add construction queue but cannot colonize a planet [screenshot 3 and 4]

Save files: 



Diagnostic files: 


edit: formatting