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Singularity Visual Disappears but Effects Remain

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6 years ago
Feb 14, 2019, 5:03:22 AM

Playing as Vodyani, I seigned a Riftborn system with a Positive Singularity.

I took the system with an Ark immediately after winning the ground battle.

The visual indicator and system level indicator of the Singularity disappeared, but when looking at the details of the FIDSI, it still shows bonuses from the Singularity:

No visual indicator or system level explanation of effects of Singularity

FIDSI details level still shows effects of Singularity

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 14, 2019, 10:51:56 AM

I have only played Vodyani so far, haha, so no, sorry!

Although along those same lines (and extra info for the bug), they put a negative singularity on one of my systems and I left it.  The visual stayed for a few turns, but then Horatio put an outpost on it and the visual went away.

I was so excited it was gone (5 planet system) so I went back to take it again only to find that the negative effects were still there but the visual was gone.

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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 4:34:13 AM

Looks like it happens after coming back from a save (after having taken over a system with a singularity), the gameplay effect stays but the special effect doesn't.

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5 years ago
Jul 7, 2020, 5:11:38 PM


I am new here and this game, but it still looks I have the same problem, please see the photos below.

And the details:

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 8, 2020, 5:49:49 AM

hah, half forgot the screenshot possibility (my Mac is 2014, so it's very slow with ES2 and especially when multitasking).

But no, this is single play.

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5 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 3:42:30 AM

I noticed something similar in my game, but possibly with stacking persistent singularities affecting the Riftborn AI in a massively positive (for the AI) way. I made a giant post about it here.

Updated 5 years ago.
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