Description: When you resolve Smoking Gun and you get 20 Empire Approval, you don't get any effective approval on your systems.

Steps to Reproduce: Resolve "Smoking Gun" event using the Arrest the Spies option, and wait for the event reward. Check if the reward is applied in your systems.

Version: 1.5.57 S5 GOLD-Public (prepath beta) and possibly also on the latest official version.

Reproducibility: 5/5

Insight to the problem: The approval bonus from the event is applied to the empire, but approval only occur at the System level:

Possible solution: in "Public\Simulation\SimulationDescriptors[QuestEffects].xml" I corrected the modifier to target the Systems instead: 

  <SimulationDescriptor Name="EventEffect81SimEffect81" Type="EventEffect81">

    <Modifier     TargetProperty="Happiness"            Operation="Addition"     Value="20"  Path="ClassEmpire/ClassColonizedStarSystem"/>
