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Save Files for Turn Resolution Bugs, & More!

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8 months ago
Apr 7, 2024, 4:44:08 AM

In preface, big ups for the new improvements toward the Nakalim, Academy and stability. I'm a big fan of what you've done with my favorite faction--given how comprehensively ya'll reworked them, it's no surprise I'm encountering lots of bugs resolving turns. As I play lots of Nakalim campaigns and interact with the Academy, it's my hope that the save files I post now and in the future will help you resolve ES2's bugs even faster. Any advice on making better bug report contributions would be appreciated and I'm happy to follow up with any feedback I can.

Thanks again for breathing life into this amazing game.

Turn43 Nakalim Turn Bug 1.sav :: Turn Resolution bug playing Nakalim, unknown trigger

Turn64 Nakalim Turn Bug (Build Queue).sav :: Turn Resolution bug playing Nakalim, always occurs after adding to the build queue of the system (re)named Hothouse. 100% reproducable.

Updated 8 months ago.
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8 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 12:46:27 PM

Well, the first first bug is simple to solve, I couldn't reproduce the second (all vanilla including AI):

The drawing system doesn't handle the possibility of an already awakened slumbering ruins on a non-occupied planet (IE razed/evacuated/lost). Fails to handle that situation and may hang the game indefinitely (endless pending turn bug).

The error is on the Assembly-Csharp main DLL.

Can be solved by checking if it is occupied with this.MainColonizedStarSystem != null. Here's a fixed version of the function that otherwise fails. Works 100%:

On Class StarSystemLabel.cs:

private void RefreshSlumberingRuinsContextualIcon()


    this.ContextualIconSlumberingRuins.Visible = false;

    if (this.VisibilityLayer >= EntityVisibility.Layer.Known && this.StarSystemNode != null && this.StarSystemNode.IsSlumberingRuinsSystem && Gui.PlayerEmpire.CanSeeSlumberingRuins)


        this.ContextualIconSlumberingRuins.Visible = true;

        if (this.StarSystemNode.IsAwokenSlumberingRuinsSystem)


            this.ContextualIconSlumberingRuins.AgeTooltip.Content = Gui.Localize("%SlumberingRuinsAwakenedStarSystemLabel");




            this.ContextualIconSlumberingRuins.AgeTooltip.Content = Gui.Localize("%SlumberingRuinsStarSystemLabel");


        if (this.MainColonizedStarSystem != null)


            this.ContextualIconSlumberingRuins.Children[1].AgePrimitive.TintColor = this.MainColonizedStarSystem.Empire.Color;



        this.ContextualIconSlumberingRuins.Children[1].AgePrimitive.TintColor = Color.white;



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