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Getting Stuck 'Pending' & Can't Activate Steam PATCH-Preview

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7 months ago
Jul 16, 2024, 4:20:22 AM

So I'm playing a Nakalim campaign and it's getting stuck on turn 41. I have donated a few systems to the Academy. I've tried replaying the turn several times - going back several turns or just the turn before and have tried changing events (doing things differently - declaring war and the like) but the game always get stuck on T41.

 I have enabled PATCH-Preview on Steam (under the Betas tab), and after selecting it there is a 2.4GB download that installs on steam. I have also verified that the Build ID (under Updates tab) changes from 13670675 to 14791411. However when I start the game, the in-game version never changes showing V1.5.62 GOLD-Public. I should be seeing V1.5.10 Beta or some such .. correct?  It's also showing the V1.5.62 version in the diagnostics file.

AutoSave 2812.zip

Diagnostics - 2024'07'15 @2310'06''.zip

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