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Encountered few bugs on the new Re-awakening patch.

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4 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 10:11:43 PM

First bug, i think the most important of all of the listed here - Ecologists trying to make industrialists angry by passing ecologist laws


  • Summary / Title: Passing 2 ecologists laws doesn't meet the requirements for the quest.
  • Platform: - Steam
  • Description: If the user gets the quest to pass to ecologists laws, the game tells the user to pass 2 ecologists laws and to pass 3 ecologists laws at the same time.
  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Get the quest. 2. Notice it requires you to pass 3 ecologists laws while it is written to pass 2 laws.
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior: The quest is complete after passing 2 laws, not 3.
  • VersionEndless Space 2 Re-awakening update 7th of march 2024, V1.5.60 S5 GOLD-Public
  • Notes
  • Attachments: Screenshotobraz_2024-10-08_234302748.png

Second bug - Nakalim ship doesn't appear after completing quest with scanning ruins curiosities


  • Summary / Title: Nakalim ship doesn't appear after fulfiling the quest requirements.
  • Platform - Steam
  • Description: If the user completes the quest to get the Nakalim ship upon scanning 2 ruins curiosities the ship doesn't appear.
  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Get the quest. 2. Do the quest. 3. The ship doesn't appear.
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior: The ship should appear upon scanning the last Ruin curiosity.
  • Version: Endless Space 2 Re-awakening update 7th of march 2024, V1.5.60 S5 GOLD-Public
  • Notes
  • Attachments

Third bug - Empire show of force quest counts Isyanders Legate ship - Sum of All Pains towards the value when the quest first appears, but not when the requirements are fulfiled.


  • Summary / Title: Empires show of force quest is not complete even when total offensive value of 2 or more ships is higher than required.
  • Platform - Steam
  • Description: If the user fulfils the quest requirements of reaching the total offensive value of the whole flotilla higher than is required in the quest, the quest is not completed.
  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Get the quest while having Isyanders Legate ship - sum of all pains. 2. Fulfil the requirement of having a flotilla with a total offensive value higher than shown in the quest before x turns. 3. The quest doesn't complete.
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior: The quest is supposed to complete whenever a player reaches the specified value in the quest with any of his flotillas. 
  • Version: Endless Space 2 Re-awakening update 7th of march 2024, V1.5.60 S5 GOLD-Public
  • Notes
  • Attachments
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4 months ago
Oct 8, 2024, 10:14:55 PM

I can't attach my save files of the game those problems appeared in, in either of the posts, this one and the one above. 

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