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Last Remaining DLCs unaccessable

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3 months ago
Dec 27, 2024, 8:33:06 PM

I went ahead and purchased the Amplitude Games Bundle from Steam, and noticed that for Endless Space 2, there are a few missing dlcs

Now, I know I got to claim them from either here, or within the game, but clicking the link available in either does not work, as the steam pages associated with them seem to not exist, meaning that there is no way to access the following DLCS

Muck and Makers
ES2 Community Challenge Addon

ES2 Sophon Hero

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3 months ago
Dec 28, 2024, 2:31:41 PM

Have a look at this thread from three days ago.

(Forum doesn't like me pasting URLs for some reason, so if it doesn't work, look for the thread "Can't download" by PianoPete.)

There's a workaround.

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