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Xirmisala "Dust Dowsing" Law

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a month ago
Jan 19, 2025, 11:41:55 PM

The Xirmisala population collection law, "Dust Dowsing"—which reportedly provides +30% Dust on systems with a Unique Planet—has no effect.

In addition to the law's effect description reading, "LawEffectP00L26-PopulationCollectionMinorOracularEffectOverride" instead of an actual modifier (the +30% Dust on Unique Planet is information I found online while looking for a solution), the reported modifier of +30% doesn't take effect. Having this law active provides no bonus to a system's Dust income nor a unique planet's Dust output. As near as I can tell, the law does literally nothing.

In searching the XMLs for a way to fix the issue, I found that the "SimulationDescriptors[LawEffect_DLC4]" file has no actual law effect described in it. It seems to name the law effect, but then doesn't actually provide an effect. I don't know if this is the source of the issue, but I'm not very proficient in modding anyway, so I wasn't able to make it work with the few things I tried. All I can say for sure is, the Xirmisala law simply doesn't do anything.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 9:27:21 AM

The wiki is outdated, and you're wrong about it having no effect (though I can understand why it looks like it doesn't), the effect isn't simulation based. The problem here is that there is no correlating localization string / I forgot to put a % in front of it. The actual effect is that it reveals special dust curiosities that give a ton of dust.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 11:19:46 PM

Oooh, I see; thank you for clearing that up! I was under the mistaken impression that the Dust deposits were the old law, while the Dust bonus on unique planets was the new law...I'm a dumbass. :p In that case, it's just the label that's wrong, but I think that's a known issue. Is that what can be fixed with the %? Is that something simple that my dumb ass (possibly with the help of my hands) can fix with a quick and easy edit? EDIT: And I didn't test it over several turns, because I was expecting an instant change in Dust production on certain systems, so that's my bad, too. If I'd have run it a few turns, I might've seen it working!

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 2:49:56 AM

Ah, I've got the law effect working now; pretty neat! Do the Dust Curiosities ever "blip" like normal curiosities? (That is, the little pulsing ring around the planet on the galaxy screen that lets you know there's an unexplored Curiosity there.) I found a few on some of my planets—now that I've actually run the law for a few turns—but they don't seem to be "blipping," so they can be a bit of a pain to find. I'll run it some more in case I'm just missing something...not really the right forum for this, my apologies, but I'm glad to know I was wrong! :p

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a month ago
Jan 23, 2025, 8:11:13 AM

I think the pulse effect is only for standard curiosities, you might be able to change the curiosity type to fix it, but other than that I don't know.

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