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Trade Company Can't Trace Route, Even With All Techs

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2 hours ago
Feb 13, 2025, 7:43:27 PM

Playing a custom faction with Involuntary Nomads (if that matters), Twin Elliptical galaxy, and I've encountered a weird issue with Trading Companies: there are five large constellations, two on each elliptical and one in the centre, that are all linked by wormholes. Some turns ago, I started a Trade Company in one of the elliptical constellations, built a few Subsidiaries in other constellations in the opposing elliptical, and established a functional trade route. Now, I've finally started my second Trading Company (due to my limited ability to settle planets as Involuntary Nomads), and for some reason, it's completely unable to trace a path through any wormholes at all, though the existing trade route is still tracing through wormholes just fine. I built another Subsidiary, too, and it was also unable to connect to any Trade Companies, since it was in a constellation that didn't have a Company in it and also couldn't travel through wormholes. All I get is the message that I need to research Autonomous Materials, although I researched it long ago, which is why I was able to establish the first Company. I can't seem to find any way to make my new Trade Companies cross wormholes; it almost seems as though researching some other technology has somehow turned off the ability to travel through wormholes, much like Autonomous Materials turned it on. I'm not sure there's any actual fix for this, but I thought I'd bring it up just in case...maybe somebody here has seen this before and has some experience with it!

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