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Isyander's Gambit quest wont let the turn end. [steam]

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9 months ago
May 27, 2024, 6:27:04 PM

Whenever the quest is started and I have chosen a side the "pending objective choice"  description never changes.

If I try to end the turn the game will be stuck forever ending the turn. The game still works, I can enter different menus, but i can't do anything beacuse the prevorius turn haven't ended yet.

The game autosaves during this turn but it cannot be loaded, and during the bug only the exit to desktop and the options are avalaiable.

I play with all DLCs. So far I played only three games an all of them with or without the Community Fixes had this bug. 

I play on steam with the newest version.

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8 months ago
May 31, 2024, 8:42:54 AM


Thanks for the report.

This is most likely caused by a compatibility issue between certain settings for Academy Expansion and the metaplot. We're already working on and testing a fix, but I do not have an estimate when it will release yet. Should be within the next two weeks, if nothing goes terribly wrong.

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