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Race area of control not going

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8 years ago
Oct 7, 2016, 5:39:41 PM

So  i have destroyed all planets owned by a race next to me and taken their planets why do they still have zone of control on these systems. I have tried reloading and skipping 20 turns and nothing is it just a visual bug or what?

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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 9:40:40 AM

Same problem here.

Despite of destroying opponent their control zone is always there.

Happens also after wining the war, after truce, generally it is nearly impossible to make a system yours.

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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 6:37:58 PM

I've experienced the same thing. See attached screenshot and save game.

I'm wondering if it's anything to do with the fact that at the time of my Ground Invasion there were two colonised planets in this system. Since I had just one ground invasion for both of these planets (if this a good way, I'm not sure...), maybe the game thinks one remains under the old faction's control?


Captured system in enemy's control area.zip

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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 9:48:32 PM

I think it might be to do with how borders grow over time, as they can't decrease in size and are tied to the race. This means your borders have to outgrow their old borders to have an effect. They should be tied to the planet though, so capturing the large influence areas is possible.

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 2:43:39 PM

I had the same thing happen in my game. Conquered Sophon homeworld and adjacent territory but their influence still extended far enough to deny me use of two asteroid belts nearby. Is this a bug or did the game designers intend for you to have to wait for your influence to outweigh all the influence you're rivals have accrued over the entire game? In theory, if you conquer the system on turn 100, it will take another 100 turns for you to build as much influence as they have. If so, that's dumb. Influence should convert to your faction when the planet is conquered. I'd understand if it were depreciated in the process, but it should flip.

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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 12:02:16 PM

This can't be working as intended. 

Two examples of the sphere of influence not disappearing:

1. Colonies in an isolated system were destroyed when playing as Vodyani (not captured). 

Sphere of influence remains around an empty system - Quadus and Staderus. The border flashes white but does not shrink and does not disappear. The planets below were 'liberated' over 20 turns earlier. The game was started pre-0.1.3 patch and completed (last 10 turns or so) after patch. It's the same in new games started after the patch.  Save attached.

2. Planets captured but sphere of influence not shrinking or disappearing. 

Playing as Sophons (blue). Xacor has 2 huge Unique Planets and Lumeris (yellow) got it early (while I got Bellatrix). I stomped them and took Xacor and Ker and still their blob is all over. Xacor pumped out upwards of 50 influence per turn without heroes (over 2/3 of my total influence). From time to time the interface flashed my sphere of influence even when swallowed by another (captured in ss). 6 turns after I seized Xacor it was not growing any blue influence and seemingly still pumped out yellow (Lumeris) influence instead. Ker was growing blue influence despite generating around 6 influence per turn. Sadly I did not retain the save for this game as I only used autosave. This game was post-0.1.3 patch.

Updated 8 years ago.
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