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Unable to invade with Righteous Fury + Enemy Ground troops were invisible

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8 years ago
Mar 5, 2017, 12:44:03 AM

I had a quick look and was unable to see a bug for these but I might have missed it.  I did see someone mention that united empire troops were invisible but not sure if it was bugged.

I was messing around playing as the Vodyani and I tried to invade a united empire planet while I was in a cold war with them but I was unable to initiate an invasion.  I attacked one of their ships in their own system so that aspect seems to be working however.  I then declared war and was able to invade the planet.

1.  Start a game as the Vodyani (as they start with righteous fury)

2. Enter an opposing factions system with an ark ship

3. Try to invade surface during a cold war with righteous fury active.

4. Observe that Invade action is grayed out.

5. Declare war on opposing faction.

6. Observe that invade action is now available

7. Watch battle

8.Observe that defenders are invisble and all stats are at 0% for them (I did this against united empire and read in another post their units were invisble when watching)

I have not tested this thouroghly as of yet but I will update this if I find out if its only united empire troops that are invisible and if I am unable to invade during righteous fury act in additional games.

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8 years ago
Mar 5, 2017, 1:34:07 AM

I started another game and tested this again.  This time I had a leecher in a sophon system and I just happened to notice that I could invade them during a cold war.  I dont know if this is because I leeched them for a turn before hand or what.  When I invaded I was also able to see their troops and their values. 

The issue might be specific to the United Empire.

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8 years ago
Apr 17, 2017, 3:21:14 AM

Really hate to raise dead, but seems like "Righteous Fury" is still bugged. You can, indeed, invade, leech, and attack within enemy's influence zone with this law’s being forced… until your Religious party loses its firm grip on your empire to another party (most likely Military). Restoring Religious party in power have no effect on "Righteous Fury"; the law, albeit listed on Senate screen, becomes non-functional. That really spoils my Vodyani gameplay. :c

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 17, 2017, 4:52:45 PM

Shame to hear this I am just playing again now I will let you know if I encounter it agian as well 

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 6:32:56 PM

I have just been playing and this bug is still present I believe as I can't invade a United Empire I am at cold war with but I can attack thier ships and drain essence so its partially working.

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