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AI Governor Bug?

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8 years ago
Mar 29, 2017, 8:30:48 AM

Because we are disliking the build cue UI, we finally gave in, and decided to try the governors.   Hey, they work!     But, when the infinite resource projects appear, and are placed in the build cue, the Governors retire.   When we research more buildings,  the Govs don't take the inf res projs out; build the new buildings; and put the inf res projs back again.   We end up having to scroll through each system separately, removing the "cork",  and putting in the newly researched building(s).

This a bug or just not fully implemented AI yet?


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 10:52:10 PM

Ok, I'm in my second game, and this is still happening.  Surely someone else has noticed this?

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7 years ago
Feb 25, 2018, 1:30:28 PM


This is due to the following:

1) Automated Supervisors CAN build Infinite Projects

2) Automated Supervisors CANNOT take things off the building queue. So, once they put in an infinite project, they can´t take it out.

The only solution that I have find is to remove the ability to build infinite projects for Automated Supervisors. This means modding the file "ConstructibleElement_Industry[StarSystemImprovement]" removing the line "SupervisorGain" from the two infinite projects:

<!--INFINITE -->
<StarSystemImprovementDefinition Name="StarSystemImprovementIndustryToScience" SubCategory="SubCategoryInfiniteScience" >
<AIGain RessourceName="ResourceConverter">

<AIGain RessourceName="ScienceGain"/>
<InProgressSimulationDescriptorReference Name="StarSystemImprovementIndustryToScienceEffect" />
<InProgressSimulationDescriptorReference Name="StarSystemImprovementInfinite"/>
<InfiniteCost ResourceName="SystemTurnBased"/>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard">ColonizedStarSystemStateColony</PathPrerequisite>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard" Inverted="true">../ClassEmpire/ClassResearch,TechnologyIndToScience2</PathPrerequisite>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard" Inverted="true">../ClassEmpire/ClassResearch,TechnologyIndToScience2Sophons</PathPrerequisite>
<TechnologyPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite,Discard,Technology">TechnologyIndToScience</TechnologyPrerequisite>
<SimulationDescriptorReference Name="StarSystemImprovementIndustryToScience"/>

<StarSystemImprovementDefinition Name="StarSystemImprovementIndustryToDust" SubCategory="SubCategoryInfiniteDust" >
<AIGain RessourceName="ResourceConverter">

<AIGain RessourceName="DustGain"/>
<InProgressSimulationDescriptorReference Name="StarSystemImprovementIndustryToDustEffect" />
<InProgressSimulationDescriptorReference Name="StarSystemImprovementInfinite"/>
<InfiniteCost ResourceName="SystemTurnBased"/>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard">ColonizedStarSystemStateColony</PathPrerequisite>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard" Inverted="true">../ClassEmpire/ClassQuests,CompletedQuest_Venetians13</PathPrerequisite>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard" Inverted="true">../ClassEmpire/ClassResearch,TechnologyIndToDust2</PathPrerequisite>
<PathPrerequisite                           Flags="Prerequisite,Discard" Inverted="true">../ClassEmpire/ClassResearch,TechnologyIndToDust2Venetians</PathPrerequisite>
<TechnologyPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite,Discard,Technology">TechnologyIndToDust</TechnologyPrerequisite>
<SimulationDescriptorReference Name="StarSystemImprovementIndustryToDust"/>

This way the Automated Supervisor will not be able to build them but in exchange, it will not get stuck.

By the way what puzzles me is that this problem HAD BEEN SOLVED in ES1.

Why, oh why they can´t solve in ES2 ??? (and Rally Points for fleets....in ES1 but not in ES2, this maddens me).


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