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Watching a battle in a star system with a RIP Singularity fails to load

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8 years ago
Apr 9, 2017, 8:25:23 AM

Bug Description

When starting a battle in a system where a RIP singularity is active the battle will not commence (only applies when check box for watching the battle is selected, battle will resolve correctly if not spectated). During the loading screen for the spectator view of the battle the game will not load past starting the battle tooltip i.e. the option to click to commence battle never occurs.

To reproduce.

Using autosave 306, start the combat in the Zhaen starsystem with the RIP Singularity with the watch battle option selected. Despite many restarts of the game or changes in tactics it always gets frozen on the battle loading screen.

Similarly using the Rift Testing save file declare war on the Vodyani and start a battle in their capital starsystem with a RIP singularity and the game will fail to load the battle if watch is selected.

Reproducability 5/5 happens in completely separate battles at different points in the game only when watch is selected regardless of reloads of the game file or complete restart of the game.

Expected behaviour

Battle commences and can be spectated.


AutoSave 306.zip

Rift Testing 2.zip

Diagnostics - 2017'04'09 @1721'53''.html




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7 years ago
Nov 5, 2017, 9:47:02 PM

Hi guys,

in the latest version 1.0.70 this bug still exists.

Here is my save file

AutoSave 181.sav

Bug Description

game gets stuck when trying to load the 3D battle. 

Steps to reproduce

load autosave 181, start the combat in the Pictor starsystem in the upper left corner of the galaxy with the "watch battle" option selected. Rip singularity is active...



Expected behaviour

3D battle must commence


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7 years ago
Nov 6, 2017, 6:39:47 PM

Hi moderators,

could you please move this thread from early access to standard bug reports forum?


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