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Create fleet button created fleet with 0 ships and broke my saves

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8 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 1:01:50 PM


I was building a Leecher ship in system Virgo. Next turn when it's finished i created a fleet from this ship. Fleet had been created, yet ship disappeared. Fleet info shows no icon of the ship and 0/0, yet the fleet in the list of the system fleets. 

I can't disband this fleet.

I am able to continue my game, Next turn works fine.

But it broke my saves. Loading autosave of the current turn didn't work, loading all the following turns doesn't work as well.

Edit: Also Skill point of Craver hero disappear on turn 67 when i try to upgrade his tree.

I don't know what's wrong, but it might be not only ship, but whole my game goes wrong after turn 66.

Edit #2: 

I loaded the game (turn 65), removed all building queues and just pressed next turn. On turn 66 game went broken. I can't also V detach the Virgo ark and move it.

Steps to Reproduce

1. Load Autosave 2228. It should be turn 65, System Virgo has Leecher ship under construction.

2. Push next turn. It all starts at turn 66 at Virgo system.

3. Turn 66, the ship in the Virgo has been build. Create a fleet from this ship. 0/0 Fleet appears.

or just detach Virgo system mother ship from the star. Planets will stay which is also a bug.

4. Done. It should break the current turn and all the following turns saves.


I reproduced it 100% of my attempts. No matter what i was doing, it worked the same. I didn't try to remove the ship from building queue though.

Expected Behavior

Ship should create a 1/1 fleet, loading autosave should work. Edit: I should be able to detach Virgo ark. I should be able to move detached ark.


V0.3.4 S2 ALPHA-Public


20170420194429_1.jpg (turn 65, everything is fine)

20170420194536_1.jpg (turn 66, 0/0 fleet created, broken save)

20170420203500_1.jpg (turn 66, can't move detached ARK)

AutoSave 2228.zip

AutoSave 2229.zip

Updated 8 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 30, 2017, 6:50:29 AM

I just got this same bug, so it's an old one that's not been addressed yet. In my case it was the AI that was amasing 0 ship fleets of leechers.  Attaching my save: bugged AI fleets.sav

Confirmed that the AI is in a bugged state.  Other AIs in this game also seem to be bugged, so is not limited to Leecher ships. Game breaking bug.

Version: 1.1.0 S5 Gold-Public

There's a workaround, where you use a single Ark to merge with the 0 ship fleets. Evidently the bug is related to how ships for the Vodyani can be either in a fleet or in a fleet attached to the Ark when it is anchored. If you enable modding tools (and thus flag your save as a cheated save) you can accomplish this for an AI opponent and fix them, at least for the few turns I tried this it stayed stable afterwards. [never mind, it went back to being bugged. Something is wrong deeper than a player can reach even with dev tools]

Set steam launch options to:  --enablemoddingtools

And then press SHIFT + F1 while in your bugged game to load the tool set.

Updated 7 years ago.
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