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Planetary Zoom Crashes Game after 30-40 "cycles" of zooming and switching systems.

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8 years ago
May 18, 2017, 8:18:27 AM

Summary / Title

Planetary Zoom Crashes Game after 30-40 "cycles" of zooming and switching systems.


This is a weird bug that takes a while to reproduce, but I can get it to crash the game every single time!

Steps to Reproduce

1. Click on a solar system in galaxy view to zoom to the system level menu.

2. Click on a planet in system level menu to zoom into planet view.

3. Right click on the planet to zoom out, and then right click again to get zoom out to galaxy view.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 above 15-20 times on the same system.

Next, if the game still hasn't crashed,

5) Switch to a different system.

6) Repeat steps 1-4.

If the game still hasn't crashed, switch to another system and repeat steps 1-4 until the game crashes.

NOTE: It does take a while to reproduce this bug and I am using a save game file 145 turns into a game.  I usually get the game to crash in about 30-40 zooms (or less), switching between systems.  

ReproducibilityDiagnostics - 2017'05'18 @0043'11''.html


Expected Behavior

Right clicking from system view should not crash the game!


Latest build as of 5/18/2017


This started happening more and more as my game went on, I'm on round 145 or so now.  This leads me to believe this is some kind of memory leak or maybe a video memory issue as it's gotten progressively worse the longer the game goes on.  Now I can reproduce the bug 100% of the time, but it takes zooming in and out a bunch of times to get the game to crash.

It doesn't seem to matter which planet I have been zooming in on, but I have noticed that it usually ends up crashing when I am zooming in and out on the rightmost planet in system view, but I think I'v also crashed it with one of the middle planets.

I've included the latest save game and diagnostic file.

AutoSave 256.zip

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8 years ago
May 18, 2017, 8:25:58 AM

Oh!  One more note:  Before the game finally crashes, I noticed that there was a slight video issue.

Also, I am running the game streaming over steam.  I have a headless game server set up, and am accessing the game using steam's streaming feature.  This also means that the mouse clicks I perform are going over the network, so it might have something to do with the game interfacing with steam?  I wouldn't think it would make much of a difference, but I suppose it could...

The game seems to run fine if I use remote desktop as well, but I don't get the same frame rates as going over steam, so I'd really like it to work over steam streaming!

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8 years ago
May 18, 2017, 9:39:47 PM

Same here. I just started a game and trying to zoom in to the home system the screen freezes. 

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