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Minor Faction Dump

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8 years ago
Sep 11, 2016, 10:56:52 PM

Like to see a minor faction with the soul intent of absolutely being a pain for the real players in the game. Like a evil parasite that infects a population if they colonize a planet to close to them and then the population would start doing odd things like vote for a political party for the sole intention of derailing your own. But you would form an alliance with the parasite it would force your entire population to vote for the party that you are working to help.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 12, 2016, 11:52:36 AM
Sinnaj63 wrote:
Buzzkillington1990 wrote:
Those already exist in ES, actually. Meet Keldron Bor:

Speaking off unique ES heroes, there was also that Corp/Admin hero that looked like a Dinosaur. Never read his(Or her) description, but maybe those guys will be a minor faction too.

You mean the Plocynos? They're actually amphibians from a Swamp world.

They do look pretty cool:

Frogsquadron wrote:
Fun fact: big Sowers are actually smaller Sowers stacked together! 

Kind of like Vincent Adultman, come to think of it... 

Were their ships also Sowers or made out of them? Some of them looked like giant drones.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 2:04:41 PM

The idea with the simbiosois creatures would be pretty cool

 google portuguese man o' war, something like that would be cool

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9 years ago
Jan 16, 2016, 6:12:40 PM
Nasarog wrote:
A couple of the minors from Endless Legend somehow making it into space.

That would be cool to see some familiar faces from EL somehow; there is also a few good ideas in the Temple for a while back, although I am excited to see what cool minor races Amplitude's teams handling this comes up with on their own.
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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 2:31:03 AM
Extinct bestial sister specie of the hissho with sharp tooth and cyborg body Parts had the hissho enslaved in the time when they colonized their first planet, and ruined the old one.

Lamprey like bipetual people with enormous wound healing ability and inexplicable much mind. The biggest parts of theire minds are outside theire bodys and comunicate with it.

Silicone based telepathic ray like bossy scientist with dictators who live in Mercurypolmere structures on Planets with viscous athmosphere or fluids to swimm.

Livingform that consists out of mind made by increase or shrinkable Room/Time distortioncells to shrink the parts and enlarging the Number of the cells will make the Abnourmous effects on the environments apparent go lesser or only change.
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9 years ago
Dec 25, 2015, 5:20:42 PM
Towering bipeds akin to slugs but with internal skeleton, seeing themselves as living gods and any other sentient species as potential slaves and worshippers. Fluent in the art of manipulation and subjugation.

Singular, ooze-like organism. An experiment gone wrong. Infesting all organic matter and turning it into even more ooze.
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9 years ago
Dec 28, 2015, 3:11:58 AM
The Ray like scientists had the Ability to generate a Anti-entropy field (i´ve heard of it in a game called Endless Spacesmiley: smile on Element homogen Items, The preferred Elements are Gold, Mercury and Aluminium

Gold as an Battery like Energy source Mercury as case for Spaceships and Aluminium as Weapon. They use the Anti-Entropy-field to load the Objects with Energy,

Gold is Preferred by his heavy Atome weight and his good Abillity to absorb light (Gold looks Yellow) and its general Corrosion Resistance, Mercury is Preferred for Ship Case uses by the Light Reflecting properties, availability and the Poisenous if the field is destroyed,

they use Aluminium as Weapons as its high occurance and its high reactivity, Chemical Reactions and starfing with high energy Neutrons or Muons can discharge the Energy local or complete and can Provoke explosions dependent upon load and release-time.

Their Dictators are familiar to the Ray like creatures but they have breed themselves by demanding the right of purposefule descendants, Normally they accrete like Corals but not the chosen People who may stand in closed rooms. They have Fish-trap dentition with Orthacatus like teeth 6 Legs on a Oval Body and can grow Additional Bodyparts like Horns or Antlers, Horn-Rings were real Popular some years ago.

Youre Slugs sounds real interesting, i won´t live in their neighborhood. smiley: eek
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9 years ago
Jan 2, 2016, 4:17:44 AM
If Mushrooms could controll coruption better than Humans in form of goverments with high authorized government bodys and people... .
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9 years ago
Jan 2, 2016, 8:39:38 PM
ImPulsar wrote:
If Mushrooms could controll coruption better than Humans in form of goverments with high authorized government bodys and people... .

Being Communist myself I think a fungal authoritarian system would work wonders for the galaxy. and they couldn't be corrupt.
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9 years ago
Jan 3, 2016, 8:39:53 AM
Red_Comrade wrote:
Being Communist myself I think a fungal authoritarian system would work wonders for the galaxy. and they couldn't be corrupt.

So that's why america despately wanted to win the space race and then just stopped doing that much space exploration! They wanted to stop the soviets from finding communist fungi and spreading the revolution like spores in the wind!
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9 years ago
Jan 7, 2016, 3:08:19 AM
Red_Comrade wrote:
Being Communist myself I think a fungal authoritarian system would work wonders for the galaxy. and they couldn't be corrupt.

I don´t want to persuade you.
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9 years ago
Jan 7, 2016, 3:17:39 AM
The space exploration has never stoped: Hubble, Mars, Pluto.

But i don´t believe in the Man in Black stories, that aliens has already reached the earth, cause in the case that the Us military has contact ( area 51) to some sort of them somebody has exceeded his responsibilities real enourmous. Military has made the contact to many cultures, although that some centuries past since the last one, but they have the duty to commit it to their president and diplomatics.

But just for the case that we are already infiltrated like in "They live!" by nazi zombies from the moon or Mi-go´s.

Kutlus age will come! :-) ... just for the exercise
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9 years ago
Jan 7, 2016, 1:51:01 PM
A couple of the minors from Endless Legend somehow making it into space.
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9 years ago
Dec 10, 2015, 4:22:26 AM
Yeah so I haven't seen anyone do this yet so I decided I would. Basically if you have any cool ideas for neat minor factions you'd like to see, why not post em here? That way they're all in one place? It's just an idea.
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9 years ago
Jan 22, 2016, 9:22:55 PM
The Haroshem seem weird: pacifist agrarian pirates. If that's not a contradiction in terms then I don't know what is...
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9 years ago
Jan 22, 2016, 10:03:49 PM
Falkner wrote:
The Haroshem seem weird: pacifist agrarian pirates. If that's not a contradiction in terms then I don't know what is...

I have no idea what you are talking about. The Haroshem are obviously of Canadian descent (link). (Not the original, but I like this version better.)
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9 years ago
Jan 24, 2016, 8:35:01 PM
Oh, I know who the Haroshem are. I've read basically everything there is on the wiki so far. I just didn't execute my joke very well.

All jokes aside, I think we can take a guess why they are called pirates by looking at the four types of cultures: Pirates, Primitives, Technologists, and Xenos.

Here's how I interpret these:

Pirates: Species that are capable of space flight and string travel, but not swearing allegiance to any specific empire.

Primitives: Species that are at the very least pre-stringdrive, possible pre-spaceflight, pre-nuclear, pre-industrial, or even more primitive. Might also include non-sapient species.

Technologists: Species that are far advanced in scientific pursuits. On par with or surpassing the player empires, potentially remnants of fallen former civilizations.

Xenos: Species with completely alien physiology or psychology. The Virus and the Deuyivans, to name two examples from Endless Space 1. Might also include non-sapient species or hive-minds or similar species that can not be communicated with by ordinary means.

In that reading, the Haroshem fit only in the Pirate category, as "slightly behind major empires in tech, but sapient (and humanoid)"
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