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Weapon ideas

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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 4:55:48 AM
These are just a few weapons I thought might be nice and would increase the depth of the game and make sense. Please comment and add new ideas to this list:

Continuous beam (insert creative name here):

Strengths- EXTREMELY accurate and focused, near impossible to evade

Weaknesses- easy to block due to continuous attack instead of bursts, low damage output

Strategies- mid-short range module elimination, small ship killer(if shot from big ship)


Strength- hight damage output, effective on hull

Weakness- unable to target small ships effectively, low range

Strategy- a short range module that goes for the throat

Distruptor beam (creative name):

Strength- disrupts modules, high damage to modules, any range

Weaknesses- low hull damage, potential backfire

Strategy- the best defence is a good offense!

Hail fire missiles:

Strengths- hard to shoot down due to numbers, potential high damage, any range

Weaknesses- low accuracy, individual weakness

Strategy- good decoy to flak, and a safe bet

Guided missile:

Strengths- long range, unable to miss ship

Weaknesses- easy to shoot down due to predictability

Strategy- Good vs unprotected/small ships

Packed missile (creative name please!):

Strengths- best damage output

Weaknesses- bad accuracy, easy to shoot down, only effective at mid range

Strategy- go big or go home!

Sharp kinetics (creative names please!):

Strength- penetrates the ship's exterior, accurate, large amounts

Weaknesses- easy to deflect

Strategy- A safe strike at the jugular

Dense projectile(creative name please!):

Strengths- hard to block, high module damage

Weaknesses- lower range, little hull damage

Strategy- consistent damage

Acidic shots(name!):

Strength- damage over time, weakens target's physical armor and modules, high range

Weakness- possible disintigration in mid shot, backfire possibility

Strategy- weaken your enemy first and foremost

Feedback is most welcome!
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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 7:39:25 AM
I feel like most of these would have little effect, already have something with a similar effect in the game or would just look out of place in the combat system(Like actual beams would).

Hailfire Missiles are basically Kinetics, except with them being missiles. Gotta drive that defense budget up somehow, ehh? Packed Missiles I feel like are more or less bombers, which are even easier shot down, though some would argue their damage outpost is BS.

Sharp Kinetics are Kinetics except they make holes in ships? Don't Kinetics do literally that?

Dense Projectiles sound OP, hard to block+module damage sounds too powerful.

Although I do think maybe some of your ideas should be implemented one way or another. Would be interesting to have for example module disruption. Though I think that should only be temporary. Like you could have an ion cannon, potentially as a planetary defense improvement, that, before battles, shoots enemy ships and makes them disables during battles. Though that also sounds kinda OP. Dense Projectile+Packed Missile sounds most OP though. LR Dense to destroy modules and therefore defenses, then packed to destroy hull.
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9 years ago
Dec 29, 2015, 4:49:55 PM
1st thing to keep in mind with this: it's a new system with meaningful movement and placement of modules. This means that just because an attack hits, doesn't mean it hits the right module. Also, yes actual beams would look rediculous in ES1, but with strategic movement, who knows? About the packed missile and dense projectiles, the dense projectiles are close range due to slower movement, and the packed rockets are only mid range. I think you are right on the hail fire rockets though, and an ion cannon or even a space station sound interesting. An immobile station that counts as its own fleet, with an ion cannon as an upgrade to that?
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9 years ago
Dec 30, 2015, 10:14:07 AM
Marhem wrote:
1st thing to keep in mind with this: it's a new system with meaningful movement and placement of modules. This means that just because an attack hits, doesn't mean it hits the right module. Also, yes actual beams would look rediculous in ES1, but with strategic movement, who knows? About the packed missile and dense projectiles, the dense projectiles are close range due to slower movement, and the packed rockets are only mid range. I think you are right on the hail fire rockets though, and an ion cannon or even a space station sound interesting. An immobile station that counts as its own fleet, with an ion cannon as an upgrade to that?

A spacestation sounds really interisting maybe it has a superweapon or abilitis to support a defending fleet and if you upgrade it very strong you get a disadvantage if the enemy Maages to destroy it .

Some ideas:

A single strong energetic Weapon (Beam or something) Advantage: can do heavy damage to one ship pers shot but has very long recharge time . Disadvantige If the Weapons system is heavy damaged or if the station itself is heavly damaged The station will Destroy itself in a Huge Explosion which causes that any ships nearby get destroyed or Destroyed .

A Space ship factory Advantage : Bonus Reduced Building time of ships A Bigger Hangar for the system and Faster repair of ships in the Hangar

Disadvantage : If the station gets destroyed All ships in hangar and in the production queue get destroyed and thes system gets Increased building costs for ships for abouut 10 rounds (because on the planets are no ship buildings they were all in the station)

and if the stations are "normal" they could have more normal weopons or support or defense systems
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9 years ago
Feb 23, 2016, 3:55:43 PM
Bumping a bit with a response:

We're kind of set on select weapons, and aren't looking to add more to the game right now.

We're looking at offensive superweapons for the endgame, to add some diversity.

Furthermore, ground battles will add an extra defensive opportunity with its own system.
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9 years ago
Feb 23, 2016, 4:38:46 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Bumping a bit with a response:

We're kind of set on select weapons, and aren't looking to add more to the game right now.

We're looking at offensive superweapons for the endgame, to add some diversity.

Furthermore, ground battles will add an extra defensive opportunity with its own system.

Maybe superweapons could also serve as another means of keeping the game especially later on where in ES1 it becomes dominated by impenetrable Dreadnoughts from being doominated by Dreadnoughts. Like if you had a system where one planet had a moon that's no moon but a space station that would while the system was under attack shoot down 1 random enemy ship every turn(As in either 1 game turn or maybe once in every battle there), people would try to avoid having the standard late game fleet of 4 Dreads especially if maybe there was a mechanic in place that meant that as long as there's more small ships in a fleet than capital ones capital ones wouldn't be destroyed; kinda like how the capital/screen mechanic for navies in Hearts of Iron 3 works. I mean maybe there could even be a mechanic like this where even without a death star, enemy fleets suffer attrition and lose health or a ship or something every turn with the capital/screen mechanic having you have more small ships.

Sounds like Ground Battles may actually become worthwhile. I feel like one of the reasons why feeble warriors was so useful was because while it had a relatively notable impact on defense, defense was useless to begin with. Ignoring Troop Invasions which while great really make Defense useless, I had literally 1 time I can think of where I had a system that actually had enough defense to be able to resist sieges, and that was a very rare really OP system that had more FIDS than all the rest of my empire.
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9 years ago
Feb 23, 2016, 4:42:41 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
We're looking at offensive superweapons for the endgame, to add some diversity.

wait what

So like... are we talking like beefed-up Super-Duper Kinetics that do a lot of damage? Or are we talking about a "Blackstone Fortress" type of situation.
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9 years ago
Feb 23, 2016, 5:09:10 PM

What a fool I was, kicking the hornets' nest. smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Feb 23, 2016, 5:12:10 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

What a fool I was, kicking the hornets' nest. smiley: smile

Oh, jerk move.

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9 years ago
Feb 24, 2016, 1:17:36 AM
Garak wrote:
wait what

So like... are we talking like beefed-up Super-Duper Kinetics that do a lot of damage? Or are we talking about a "Blackstone Fortress" type of situation.

With this kind of game I would think the super weapons are either spaceship versionsof EL's guardians or giant mega weapons roughly similar to Civ's nukes that can devastate systems from far away. Perhaps theres a middleground with a sort of Death Star though.
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9 years ago
Apr 6, 2016, 4:46:29 PM
I thought it would be cool to have some kind of enormous end-game Gauss cannon module/ship that would hit really hard, but firing only few times per battle would balance it out, also there would be a limit to their production, based on the size of your empire and they would be hard to produce overall.
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9 years ago
Apr 6, 2016, 8:12:08 PM
We need a siege module that'll take up most of the space on a Dreadnought that can target and destroy one building in a system a turn.
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9 years ago
Apr 7, 2016, 2:21:33 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Bumping a bit with a response:

We're kind of set on select weapons, and aren't looking to add more to the game right now.

We're looking at offensive superweapons for the endgame, to add some diversity.

Furthermore, ground battles will add an extra defensive opportunity with its own system.

I´ve written this already but i was wrong the one with the Antlers has no ambition to be cruel or getting dictators:

"the Ability to generate a Anti-entropy field (i´ve heard of it in a game called Endless Space) on Element homogen Items, The preferred Elements are Gold, Mercury and Aluminium

Gold as an Battery like Energy source Mercury as case for Spaceships and Aluminium as Weapon. They use the Anti-Entropy-field to load the Objects with Energy,

Gold is Preferred by his heavy Atome weight and his good Abillity to absorb light (Gold looks Yellow) and its general Corrosion Resistance, Mercury is Preferred for Ship Case uses by the Light Reflecting properties, availability and the Poisenous if the field is destroyed,

they use Aluminium as Weapons as its high occurance and its high reactivity, Chemical Reactions and starfing with high energy Neutrons or Muons can discharge the Energy local or complete and can Provoke explosions dependent upon load and release-time."
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