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9 years ago
Apr 11, 2016, 6:14:40 PM
Hi there,

Have Amplitude considered a spectator or replay MP feature for ES2 ?

As an endless noob (small 'e' smiley: smile), I would love to see other players playing, at least in replays if a spectator feature induces cheating / bandwith / server stability problems.

Also, I think players could enjoy commenting their games on Youtube, and people would enjoy seing them.

I think it's the trend in videogames now smiley: wink

Love to the love city devs
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9 years ago
Apr 11, 2016, 7:00:29 PM
I'd like to second this; I feel as if a spectator mode would very much add to the game and I personally miss it in ES1.
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9 years ago
Apr 15, 2016, 12:59:41 PM
Being able to replay the game afterward with an omniscient view would be great. We could watch the borders shift, empires get swallowed, and blobs shatter.

On a somewhat related note, I think many players would appreciate the ability to watch any battle that happens within your sensor range. That way, we'd at least potentially get to watch some explosions while somebody plays a "manual" battle in MP.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 8:31:12 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Being able to replay the game afterward with an omniscient view would be great. We could watch the borders shift, empires get swallowed, and blobs shatter.

On a somewhat related note, I think many players would appreciate the ability to watch any battle that happens within your sensor range. That way, we'd at least potentially get to watch some explosions while somebody plays a "manual" battle in MP.

That's maybe not related to the subject but I think it's a wonderfull idea smiley: smile

As for making those MP games more "watchable", I also suggest devs study things to make a game under 1h / 1h30 (which is the mean time of modern boardgame now, also the mean time of a movie).

Today everybody post games on youtube, it's strange that for a game like Endless, that you can't find many. Games could be compressed greatly with a replay feature (somebody's turn could last a CPU turn, combat would have to be shown / not shown at key moments based on score impact, difference of growth afterwards (derivate the growth graphics before and after and see big changes) etc ?).
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