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[ES2] GDD 5 - Politics & Senate

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9 years ago
Dec 9, 2015, 7:21:15 AM
Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a release schedule for these GDD's? It seems to be roughly a month between them or is it just whenever the content is ready to be discussed publicly?

P.S. Love what I have been hearing so far!
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9 years ago
Dec 8, 2015, 6:14:55 PM
I'm gonna copy what I posted in the Combat thread, because I think it fits better here. Any chance we could see something like the following:

I've been playing a Mordheim: City of the Damned (WOOOO, WARHAMMER!) which has a built in solution to a "fair" way to prevent ties: Morale. If either side gets absolutely thrashed, the survivors will simply flee the battle. Doing a similar set-up for Endless Space 2 would also prevent those annoying "ties" where one side has taken no damage, and the other has one survivor whose ship is surviving through duct tape and hope. Make them turn tail and run (Saving the ship/ships), and give the victory to the side that didn't run. With the new laws and whatnot in the game, laws could be passed to try and resist this action a bit (Preventing unnecessary combat loss), or encourage it (Preventing unnecessary ship loss).
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9 years ago
Dec 6, 2015, 2:52:03 AM
Tried to comment but did it wrong :\ (my first attempt at a post and it was 3 am. Don't judge me).

So from my understanding this is like the es 1 hero level system? Everyone gets a blanket of basic traits they can unlcok for all fields but specialists get extra perks. E.g. a commander could get dust warheads where as a corporate hero couldn't (correct me if my understanding of that is wrong).
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9 years ago
Jan 1, 2016, 3:27:56 PM
Saying that I liked the original idea about scientist/religious, if it can offend some people, I prefer Amplitude changing it (selling more games ==> EL2 smiley: biggrin).

My suggestion will be to change both as Theocracy vs Technocracy.
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8 years ago
Sep 29, 2016, 9:35:01 AM

I'm surprised Exploratory/Expansionist (focused on travel, colonizing, and maybe even trade) and Clandestine (focused on espionage and counter-espionage) are not on the wheel. Than again, I believe I remember it being said in one of the gameplay videos that there were originally supposed to be 8, but the balance couldn't be found, so two were abandoned. What were those two? I'm betting one of them is economic, which is why the Lumeris are now pacifists.

Also on the renaming debate, I'd suggest progressive and conservative, but those terms have taken on a bit of a different meaning presently. It's a shame, though. Would fit really well in relation to everything else on the wheel.

Maybe Innovative/Discovery and Orthodox? On second thought, it sounds good enough now.

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8 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 6:58:03 PM
UndeadPuppy wrote:
lo_fabre wrote:
Saying that I liked the original idea about scientist/religious, if it can offend some people, I prefer Amplitude changing it (selling more games ==> EL2 ).

My suggestion will be to change both as Theocracy vs Technocracy.

I doubt it would offend anyone except maybe hardcore extremists.

Science and religion, believe it or not, aren't always mutually exclusive. 

If anything.... it's the opposite from what I've seen.

You too would belive in a 'human friendly cthulu' if you were strapped in one of the first rockets to shoot into space. Gotta hedge them bets people!

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8 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 11:18:00 AM
lo_fabre wrote:
Saying that I liked the original idea about scientist/religious, if it can offend some people, I prefer Amplitude changing it (selling more games ==> EL2 ).

My suggestion will be to change both as Theocracy vs Technocracy.

I doubt it would offend anyone except maybe hardcore extremists.

Science and religion, believe it or not, aren't always mutually exclusive. 

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8 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 11:09:44 AM
Sotek wrote:

I wonder what kind of limitations we will have for the number of policies available simultaneously...

In the video from gamescom 2016 you can see that there are 6 slots for policies, 4 which are locked. So I guess with tech we will unlock more slots and that 6 maybe the maximum?

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8 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 10:16:02 AM

I wonder what kind of limitations we will have for the number of policies available simultaneously...

In my opinion the Science/Religion opposition is really good. Indeed Science is about How ? and Religion is about Why ?

Each one of us have to answer both, yes. But, as a group, we promote one.

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9 years ago
Feb 4, 2016, 3:28:38 PM
The question is : what if there was an antaran system with a galactic senate ? smiley: smile

.. sorry guys ! All this reminds me of that old Master of orion 3.

Actually it really looks like the same : global policy for your own empire.

You could have specific policies for research, economy, governement, warfare...

Especially governement was something to care about : Liberty makes great research and economy, but with high levels of unrest.

Some races like insects had access to the "hive" governement type. Unrest reduction was very effective. There was a lot of production points and food... but economy and research were crap.

There was a senate too.. Ok, it was a galactic senate which is not quite the same thing.

Good idea.

Faction balance is modified by the laws you pass. It's like in tropico !

Please, just don't make it too messy.
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9 years ago
Jan 20, 2016, 12:39:29 AM
lo_fabre wrote:
Indeed I share most of what you said about offending people. Only differ in saying that in some ways you have to be "politically correct". For me the original idea of Amplitude was the good one, but you can consider change it if there's enough people with extreme sensibility and money to buy their games. suspect for people like me wouldn't matter reading one or other thing if gameplay effects are the same.

As for me, I cannot wait to play around with these new tools we are promised in the GDD, ES2 is sure sounding like a Step up from the first ES so far.
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9 years ago
Jan 19, 2016, 11:33:42 AM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
Anyone who is so easily offended is a juicy Mango. Let me waffle just a bit: Here is a critical thought that's sure to ruffle lots of Jimmies if we were on a Youtube comment section; Heaven/Hell does not exist and nobody is eternally damned... yet I am of Christian Faith, so how can be, ooh damn, what Heresy indeed. Anyway... this isn't important to this discussion, moving on...

What is a Religion? A Faith or a Cult and so on? Are they separate or can they loosely be housed under the word "Religion". I believe "Theocracy" and "Technocracy" is far too strict in their meaning compared to the looseness and general openness of words like "Religion" and "Science"; after all WE the players can use our imagination for what our political wings represent truly - becoming sweet ass robots vs worshiping the Sun bruh.

Science is essentially the pursuit of "Knowledge" and as a political wing this makes sense for our idea of the "Senate". "Religion" can easily be used to represent a cultured sort of way of thinking, Worshiping our own Gods, Heroes and achievements or that of the Endless. So I think as they stand it makes a lot of sense just leaving it as those base titles. Yet both is can be seen the pursuit of meaning and truth.

So for you see, I believe the best names have already been picked and if people somehow are offended by such loose uses of these words... golly, that would be sad.

Indeed I share most of what you said about offending people. Only differ in saying that in some ways you have to be "politically correct". For me the original idea of Amplitude was the good one, but you can consider change it if there's enough people with extreme sensibility and money to buy their games. suspect for people like me wouldn't matter reading one or other thing if gameplay effects are the same.
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9 years ago
Jan 19, 2016, 2:45:25 AM
lo_fabre wrote:
Saying that I liked the original idea about scientist/religious, if it can offend some people, I prefer Amplitude changing it (selling more games ==> EL2 smiley: biggrin).

My suggestion will be to change both as Theocracy vs Technocracy.

Anyone who is so easily offended is a juicy Mango. Let me waffle just a bit: Here is a critical thought that's sure to ruffle lots of Jimmies if we were on a Youtube comment section; Heaven/Hell does not exist and nobody is eternally damned... yet I am of Christian Faith, so how can be, ooh damn, what Heresy indeed. Anyway... this isn't important to this discussion, moving on...

What is a Religion? A Faith or a Cult and so on? Are they separate or can they loosely be housed under the word "Religion". I believe "Theocracy" and "Technocracy" is far too strict in their meaning compared to the looseness and general openness of words like "Religion" and "Science"; after all WE the players can use our imagination for what our political wings represent truly - becoming sweet ass robots vs worshiping the Sun bruh.

Science is essentially the pursuit of "Knowledge" and as a political wing this makes sense for our idea of the "Senate". "Religion" can easily be used to represent a cultured sort of way of thinking, Worshiping our own Gods, Heroes and achievements or that of the Endless. So I think as they stand it makes a lot of sense just leaving it as those base titles. Yet both is can be seen the pursuit of meaning and truth.

So for you see, I believe the best names have already been picked and if people somehow are offended by such loose uses of these words... golly, that would be sad.
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9 years ago
Jan 15, 2016, 7:42:30 PM
Are you planning on having certain forms of government be locked by technology? Running a direct democracy across an empire which spans dozens of worlds, each of which contains billions of people, would be logistically unfathomable for the most part.

I also think that certain factions should have unique ideologies/government types. If you have Automatons in the game, for instance, they should have access to Consensus Democracy, which could, for example, slowly generate support for a certain ideology over time until it was 100% of the vote. Or the UE could have Plutocracy, where a planet's votes are also weighted according to its Dust production (would that be possible under the current system?)
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9 years ago
Dec 6, 2015, 2:32:08 AM
From my understanding (although I may have read it wrong) its a similair system to the hero leveling in es 1. There would be traits everyone could unlock, however some of the traits were locked to specific roles (if I have this wrong please correct me). So a corporate hero could specialise into combat, however they would not get some of the extra combat buffs a commander would get (such as dust warheads).
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9 years ago
Jan 1, 2016, 2:45:19 PM
I also feel like both Scientists/Religious makes sense and I feel like all the replacements are much worse.
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9 years ago
Jan 1, 2016, 5:33:44 AM
Sometimes I realy like the usage of words like religious out of role playing reasons. In my fantasy I can then imagine that my star empire worships whatever god I want them to.

Traditionalists would be of course the more PC (and more precisely) word but in a way it maybe too general in a universe which is known for the Endless are seen as gods or godlike beings by several factions.

If changed I would favour words like theocrats,cultists, etc. instead of making it too generalistic.

Scientists on the other hand is perfectly fine though some could call them technocrats.
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9 years ago
Dec 30, 2015, 3:59:55 PM
It does seem like some political message.I don't see how it fits with people loving heroes.Calling it cultism would be more suited but still not seeing why that tie's in with being opposite to science.
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