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A New Faction Idea

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8 years ago
Jul 11, 2016, 12:34:15 PM

Its not really new but an Idea how the play stile of the Cultists could be used in ES 2 .

Affinity : Bound Together . The Homeworld of the Faction is their so called Coreworld . Every new Colony gets a FIDSI and/or Approvall and/or A population Cap ( something like Max.Cap. : 2) . This Effect ends If the colony is connectet with a Core Worlds System . It connects if its next to a Core World System or if it is next to a Colony that is next to a Core World System and so on . If a Colony is connected it get a small Bonus to FIDSI and/or Aproval and/or Population Cap (something like Max Cap + 3 ) . If the Homeworld is captured the Planet with  the Greatest FIDSI can Become the new  Core World . With advanced Tech it is possible to build More then one Core World ( For Great Costs of course the Boni in the Colony´s doesn´t stack ). The First Core World (or system but i think that would be to strong) gets a better FIDSI and Population Cap Bonus than the Colonys but no Aproval Bonus . Their special Technologies should focus on upgrading their Core Worlds . 

Traits: Slow Fleets , Expensive Colony ships , Better Invading Defenses.

I have different ideas how the backround Story´s could be

Story : 1.The Rebooted are an ancient Robot Mind Hive which was Created by the Virtual Endless to Help them in the War and were a Backup plan . Before the Virtual Endless working on the Project could activate them they got distroyed by Orbital Bombardment . After Thousand of years they got Activated in accident by Dust ,now the Rebooted try to find their places in the Universe ,because the Dust Made a Robbotic Drone Networ to an Hive Mind full of Indeviduals .

2.The Members of the Brotherhood of the Mind were Test subjects to the Concrete endless thousands ago . They got Augmentet with devices to build up a psyonic network . After the Endless left their planet The Brotherhood of the Mind improved the devices so every lifeform of the entire planet is connected in one Giant Mind .

Both Story´s support the Affinity in both cases a Giant Network is needed to connect all the people and the Core Worlds are something like Giant Connectin points.

Please tell me your opinion , Ideas , Thoughts .

And sorry for the bad English .

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 12, 2016, 3:47:43 PM

I'm not sure they're going to be taking requests at this stage in development (As it'd affect their balance, not to mention the amount of work required to do it), but the good news is, there appears to be mod support again this time around, judging from the forum list.

And the English was fine, no worries there.

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8 years ago
Jul 12, 2016, 5:29:49 PM

Yes . You are right . I just had this idea and wanted to throw it in the forum .

Updated 8 years ago.
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