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Endless Space 2 Gamescom 2016

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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 8:16:50 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:

In ES1 the economy fell apart mid to end game and was basically rush buying everything game at the end.Even EL had this issue too.

At least we know they tried to fix the problem in EL via DLC. That has to bring hope to ES2.

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9 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 6:33:48 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

This is indeed the economy screen. :)

Thanks. As said in other posts, I understand you won't give much info at this time, cause you need some surprise at release.

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 12:11:59 PM

This is indeed the economy screen. :)

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9 years ago
Aug 25, 2016, 12:09:35 AM

12. I was waiting to see if anybody would notice.

A thread I made about it.

Yes, but will Dyson Spheres be buildable by players, or are they just Endless wonders that you can get your grubby little mitts on, like in Stellaris.

Honestly there is evidence both for and against it. We know that at least the Sophons have managed to do it based on their faction trailer, and the gamescom footage shows one as well. However also based on that footage it will most likely just be aesthetic. We just don't have enough info yet.

lo_fabre wrote:

User interface:

- Didn't found anywhere a list of systems and fleets like ES1. I suspect it will be somewhere but cut for time reasons. Can you confirm it?

- On left corner seen icons that seems: Galaxy - Senate - Unknown - Science - A ship (suspect design) - Quests - Diplomacy. Any idea about the unknown icon?

The unknown is most likely economy and trade. Possibly the marketplace as well.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 9:57:03 PM

Yes, but will Dyson Spheres be buildable by players, or are they just Endless wonders that you can get your grubby little mitts on, like in Stellaris.

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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 9:01:53 PM
Eji1700 wrote:

4. Please god record more footage.  Hell just give me footage and i'll edit it.  I get why things like gamescon are important, and even why people like the hosts exist as they are, but there's obviously a core demographic here that's dying to finally see this game and not listen to someone push talking points/jokes in a clumsy manner and cut out footage (gaming journalism and marketing is seriously in the stone age, which is weird because competitive gaming has had professional hosting for awhile now).

5. Was that  minor race reveal?  Epistis?  I miss something?

12.  The star appears to have something along the lines of a dyson sphere being built.

4. It's infuriating.

5. I believe they are already on the wiki.

12. I was waiting to see if anybody would notice.

lo_fabre wrote:

This two guys are, err.. not know the translation in english, in spanish "maleducados".

I believe an appropriate term is "philistines".

lo_fabre wrote:

User interface:

- Didn't found anywhere a list of systems and fleets like ES1. I suspect it will be somewhere but cut for time reasons. Can you confirm it?

- On left corner seen icons that seems: Galaxy - Senate - Unknown - Science - A ship (suspect design) - Quests - Diplomacy. Any idea about the unknown icon?


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9 years ago
Aug 24, 2016, 6:58:11 PM

Some questions and my opinions about footage:


This two guys are, err.. not know the translation in english, in spanish "maleducados".

They both should be fired.


- This new system looks even better than in GDD.

- Seen four options on right bar: "Finance campaign", "intimidate candidates", "Primary elections" & "Lobbying". Are they ways to manipulate the final result of the elections at a cost?

- The government change button. Could you please explain something more about that? Can't wait till september (although is 8 days...).


Seen Titanium, adamantian and 4 more (may be antimatter the last one) with quantities. If will work like EL I'll be happy.

User interface:

- Didn't found anywhere a list of systems and fleets like ES1. I suspect it will be somewhere but cut for time reasons. Can you confirm it?

- On left corner seen icons that seems: Galaxy - Senate - Unknown - Science - A ship (suspect design) - Quests - Diplomacy. Any idea about the unknown icon?

- The enhanced view looks cool. Still not sure how it impacts the gameplay. Anyone knows something about what to do with this info?


- Seen Ruins, Atmospheric and Subterranean, and some planets with various of the same type, but unknown. Suspect it is related with the curiosity system in GDD. Any news?


- Liked the battle plan. This two empty-mind guys spoiled the battle view. Still the last wasn't as important for me as in ES1 most times I go direct to the result screen.

- I have to recognize that Amplitude has done a great work with the ground battle view, but I found it unnecessary and suspect will go direct to result screen. Till now the only flaw and its a very minor one, as I didn't expected something like in Imperium Galactica II, which will mean putting another mini-game into ES2 and making all game too time-consuming.

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 10:34:42 AM

1. UI as always looks not only gorgeous but wonderful for gameflow.  I have lots of issues with past titles but one thing you guys clearly get is that at the end of the day there's critical information that I need to play, and as pretty as everything may look it's nice to be able to avoid all the glitter and gloss and get what I need asap so I can play more.

2. New race seems niffy.  I always like the "unique mechanics" you guys come up with, but i'm hoping they feel more pivotal to playstyles.  It reminds me of the gold centered races from EL right now, but in those cases it really only felt like a mild shift in how you structured your economy, and then it was essentially the same.  As always I hope you finally find a way to give races a real identity (EL was a big step in the right direction).

3. I wouldn't even begin to worry about balance on a pre access event build.  The core concept of having a money race that leverage its economy to do things is inherently fine and something that can be balanced.  I just want them to REALLY play like that, not just a race that substitutes half the FIDS for Dust, but is otherwise the same. (buying and selling planets is an awesome idea in this direction).  I really think each race should actually look at the game, or at least several core pillars, totally differently.  There's been a few races like this in past titles, but it's always only one or two pillars tops, and only sorta (not that this is a unique issue to their games, but a major hurdle for the genre in general.  ESPECIALLY in late game)

What's great about this new race, and also the cravers, is that not only am I as the player going to go approach the game differnetly due to my traits (buy/eat the universe), but even if i'm not playing as them their mere existance will totally change how I approach the game (I can now buy outposts or maybe use the Lumeris to buy something for me and sell it later, or just stopping the cravers before they hit critical mass)

4. Please god record more footage.  Hell just give me footage and i'll edit it.  I get why things like gamescon are important, and even why people like the hosts exist as they are, but there's obviously a core demographic here that's dying to finally see this game and not listen to someone push talking points/jokes in a clumsy manner and cut out footage (gaming journalism and marketing is seriously in the stone age, which is weird because competitive gaming has had professional hosting for awhile now).

5. Was that  minor race reveal?  Epistis?  I miss something?

6. Actually discovering systems, even from a jump away, seems really niffy (if i understood that right), rather than the past of auto discovering the next jumps and systems on arrival.

7.  "So you have turns"  auuuuuuuuuuuuugh.  "So you play with a ball?"  Just..aughhhhh.

8. Ground battle options seem interesting, although I'd like to know if there's more to it other than "complete surrender or enrolement rate changes.

9. It's so nice to see a ground combat visualization since the last one i can think of is moo 2.  It's small, but it's nice.

10.  Gov system looks good.

11. Pausing during menu's I see a lot of the usual buildings, which does sorta worry me.  Every game having very similar opens in ES or EL was kind of a major flaw.  Maybe you did things a little differently but you will be getting that + production and + food building in your opening turns.  I hope we get slightly more varied options, or at the very least some more race specific toys.

12.  The star appears to have something along the lines of a dyson sphere being built.

13.  Sucks like hell you got rushed and had the go too quick through the battle and cut the footage.  Pls more.

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9 years ago
Aug 23, 2016, 2:25:53 AM

I'm not reading too much into what we saw in that video. I'm looking forward to more in-depth previews soon.

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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 7:11:05 PM

In ES1 the economy fell apart mid to end game and was basically rush buying everything game at the end.Even EL had this issue too.

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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 2:17:04 PM

Let us not tangle ourselves in balance issues before the game even enters early access. We're a long way from release and there is still a lot more to polish.

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9 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 7:11:26 AM
Ashbery76 wrote:

Strategy should be long term planning and not a press a button to me fleet with instant buy..I dislike this economy in Endless games that give to huge dust mid game makes you just buy everything to easily.

Fair point. But if we look at the video this isn't a viable strategy for the Lumeris player at this point in the game for several reasons:

- In the government screen can be seen that he can have 2 out of possibly 6 laws active at a time. 4 are still looked. So he choose one law which halves the buyout costs, which is huge! But then you can't slot in other laws which could also be better or as good. Then you need a "Broad" approval of the pacifist faciton to enact that law. We don't know how much that is yet. Also he spent half of his influence to enact that law. So switching the laws is costly.

- Next he only bought 3 Frigates, each costing 1300 Dust. He had a deposit of 9900, which would be roughly 7,6 Frigates. His income was 654, so every two turns afterwards he could affort another Frigate. At this point in the game it would give him about one full fleet and after that he couldn't built a fleet fast enough. So he better doesn't loose that one fleet.

- Then there is manpower. In the Ground Battle GDD there is written that manpower will also be used for fleets. We don't know yet if this will be a limiting factor.

- Also this is a relativly defensive strategy because you will be reacting and giving up initiative. It's called "virtual fleet", meaning you have a fleet which you can built instantly but don't have to spend the upkeep. This is a viable tactic but more defensivly than offensivly.

- Also keep in mind that in ES1 and ES2 the AI will play simultaniosly which could mean that they will fly to one of your planets and instantly attack it. So you could be too slow to built a fleet and protect the planet. You would have to know that an attack is coming a turn or two in advance.

- Then to make this a viable strategy you should bank a great amount of Dust, which could also be used to kickstart new colonies and if you don't use it, it's basically wasted.

My conclusion is, that buying out at this stage of the game is also a long term strategy. You would need to have the pacifist approval, the influence to enact the law and the dust to buy the ships.

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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 10:32:21 AM

I love the new planet screens!

Not they actually feel like living worlds and not just resource globes.

I do have two questions though:

1) Will all planet types have one? 


2) Will colonising and building improvements on them change the screen? (ex: a city pops up in the background)

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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 9:58:09 AM
Ashbery76 wrote:

Strategy should be long term planning and not a press a button to me fleet with instant buy..I dislike this economy in Endless games that give to huge dust mid game makes you just buy everything to easily.

I would say that "keep enough money banked to buy a fleet in an emergency" counts as long term planning.

But dear lord, if by the end of next week we don't get better video coverage, I should hit up Frogsquadron and beg him to record their own presentation and put it on their youtube channel.

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9 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 3:32:19 AM

To be fair, there is a valid strategy of building up enough economy to be able to buy a mercenary army like some kind of space Carthage to fight the citizen army's of space Rome.

That or like the brotherhood of Nod from the CnC games where you use a massive economic advantage to buy enough mercs as cheap raiding fodder to support your super hightech elites. Well, until the second and third games when mercenary's were replaced with fanatical mobs and religious extremists as the fodder.

Updated 9 years ago.
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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 3:51:32 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:

Strategy should be long term planning and not a press a button to me fleet with instant buy..I dislike this economy in Endless games that give to huge dust mid game makes you just buy everything to easily.

The gamescom matches are staged. They use them to show off features. Besides if you don't like it don't play as that faction. 

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9 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 2:02:05 PM

Strategy should be long term planning and not a press a button to me fleet with instant buy..I dislike this economy in Endless games that give to huge dust mid game makes you just buy everything to easily.

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