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I've Made Some Changes to The Unfallen. Please Be Aware!

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8 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 6:37:58 PM

I've reworked them a bit and now think they fit the requirements a lot better and have a better feel:

The Unfallen: Nearly-Immortal, Dual-Natured Sentient Trees that CANNOT DECLARE WAR WHILE PACIFISTS ARE IN CONTROL OF THE SENATE.

Pascifist Diplomats

"Speak Softly, but Carry a Big Stick."

Faction-Specific Traits (Changes in Green!):

War and Peace from the Senate: The Unfallen cannot declare war while the Pacifists are in control of the senate. As they're peaceful by nature, they also receive a 20% malus to happiness when they declare war with anyone else in control of the senate, except Militarists. With Militarists in control of the senate, they can declare war freely and receive no malus to their happiness.

Smoking the Trees:: The Unfallen can force peace by sacrificing a population unit, as their smoke is intoxicating and has an extreme pacification effect. This truce lasts twice as long as a normal truce as the effect of the smoke is addictive, too. This sacrifice is highly regarded as one of the most noble things an Unfallen can do.

Living Dwellings:: The Unfallen use food as their production, as they use their own to construct their infrastructure. Therefore, Industry is not utilized.

From One, Cosmic Power:: They use their own to build monstrous  ships, which require populations points to build. As such, some of the larger hulls are available a bit earlier, too. They also regenerate over time, without the need for technology.

They're In The Trees!:: As The Unfallen share an affinity with all plant life, plant life on other faction's planets give The Unfallen some non-detailed information once they've become aware of The Unfallen's existence. Build queue, population and stationed ships are known to The Unfallen.

Peace Provides Sentience:: Being at peace with the Unfallen provides you with one Unfallen population point at every planet you have with a temperate environment, once each planet has room. As a race achieves peace with the Unfallen, the Unfallen enlighten the native tree population. Each Unfallen population unit receives a bonus to food production.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 7:03:37 PM

I allready voted but I still want to ask if you are allowed to change your submission during the vote. I did not read the rules for the submissions so I am lost here. Could you perhaps highlight the changes? I at last don't remember every detail of every submission. As far as I remember they had the trait which led them force other factions to join their wars? And now you can also declare war if you have any other party then the pacifists ruling, which was impossible with your first submission of The Unfallen.

DevildogFF wrote:


Smoking the Trees:: The Unfallen can force peace by sacrificing a population unit, as their smoke is intoxicating and has an extreme pacification effect. This truce lasts three times as long as a normal truce as the effect of the smoke is addictive, too. This sacrifice is highly regarded as one of the most noble things an Unfallen can do.


Mmmh this seems rather strong. Since sacrificing 1 population isn't that much for peace which lasts 3 times the normal duration. Perhaps you could tie that in with the war exhaustion mechanic. So that this would go up in costs???

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8 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 7:07:36 PM

I don't think the changes dramatically change the feel or desired intent, so I don't see why it'd be an issue. It just helps flesh them out a bit and incorporate the "pacifist diplomat" requirement a bit more. 

I've change it to twice as long. I feel like if you're sacrificing an entire population unit, you should see a better truce than the normal one. However, the cost could go up as the game progresses, depending on the population count of the aggressor faction. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 29, 2016, 7:23:51 PM

Smoking the Trees sounds super OP for that sort of cost, but since I haven't been able to see any of ES 2s actual gameplay stats, like pop growth and cap, it would be a Dev thing to balance this sort of mechanic.

But from what I know of ES 1, that would be super op there.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 1:23:51 AM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:

Smoking the Trees sounds super OP for that sort of cost, but since I haven't been able to see any of ES 2s actual gameplay stats, like pop growth and cap, it would be a Dev thing to balance this sort of mechanic.

But from what I know of ES 1, that would be super op there.

I agree, I Imagine you would need to  sacrifice pop based on how much pop the other player has or something. Unfallen is a food heavy race, so having to sacrifice more population wouldn't be too detrimental. Just saying it sounds OP as it stands in the post

EDIT: Not to mention what I have learned in my contract law class, You already made your offer, and amplitude accepted the terms as was, when they started the vote. I would assume any changes would not be binding.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 1:56:46 AM

Then we could work out a way to have it scale, based on the aggressor's population and where the game is, turn-wise. 

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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 2:31:10 AM
DevildogFF wrote:

Then we could work out a way to have it scale, based on the aggressor's population and where the game is, turn-wise. 

Don't forget that war in ES2 will suppossedly be much more difficult to start and maintain without drawbacks. Having a player go through all the military and diplomatic preparation to declare war just to be instantly shut down by a minimal cost faction ability would make it practically impossible to fight the unfallen on even terms. Perhaps instead of just sacrificing one pop you could sacrifice a veriable amount of population from each planet you control depending on a set scale (as said above), but also limit or deny food production for a number of turns afterwards. That way they can't just instantly bounce back and do it again and again. One of the big reasons I didn't vote for the unfallen was how powerful they seemed to me. It just seemed like you could turtle with little to no consequences besides scorched worlds. I belive having at least somewhat of a major detrimental aspect to this abaility would greatly balance gameplay as this faction.

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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 10:06:28 AM

I'm definitely open to balance feedback. In the end, however, I believe strongly that it helps with the overall theme requirements. 

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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 10:39:26 AM
DevildogFF wrote:

I'm definitely open to balance feedback. In the end, however, I believe strongly that it helps with the overall theme requirements. 

I agree, I just think that some kind of drawback that limits how fast they can regain population after sacrifices would perhaps make it much less overpowered in the long run.

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8 years ago
Aug 30, 2016, 10:50:17 AM

Don't forget, the DEV's have the final say on how the faction is implemented. That's why Slowhands aka Jeff is such a huge fan of these. he wishes every faction was a community faction....

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