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Lots of questions after seeing gameplay videos [Contains spoilers, at your own risk]

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8 years ago
Sep 30, 2016, 5:17:56 PM


I said myself: it's only 6 days. Don't spoil. Don't grow your hype. Don't see these videos. After that I go all videos in a row and have a lot of questions. All will be answered in short, but I couldn't stand asking you. Respond what you can. Thanks in advance.

  • About the Vodyani:
    • I've seen Arks in combat. If they contain Vodyani population, what happens if they're killed? You loose all population on system?
    • After attaching an Ark to a system, all colonizable planets appears to be colonized, regardless population in the Ark. Is like that? Is there no outpost phase?
    • Can Arks move freely between systems? I've read it in forums, but didn't seen in gameplay. And if moved, what happens to improvements?
    • Asked in another thread, what happens to systems victims of abductions?
    • Can be more than one Ark attached to same system? And if so, is there any benefit?
  • About the Lumeris:
    • They started with two caravels. I've seen no colony ship. As they buy outposts, I suppose they've got no colony ships at all. Am I correct?
  • An asthethic consideration: I like the background in senate, tech tree and all that screens. There's no similar background in systems list, elections or ship desing screens. Will be possible to extens backgrouns or recicle some previous art to make this screens look awesome as the tech or senate?
  • About space battles, they look far cool tha ES1, just two things:
    • When there are few (1-2) ships per faction, these battles looks very poor. Not a proble per se, as you can skip early game battles, adn 4CP per fleet are quickly filled with 4 ships, solving this, but still I fell have to put my opinion.
    • In Sophons gameplay (I think The-Cat-o-..) the cam is rotated until you see ships from afar. These ships move as is expected from choosen tactics, which looks better tha ES1 ans makes a good representation of what you picked. Have you considered to put a camere option to make it automatically, and not manually like the video.
  • About planets:
    • It seems you can move pop whithin planets of the same system. If you can confirm, it's a very good feature considering pop bonuses seen in this videos (especially those related to planets). Very good job here!
    • Seemed to me that same planet types may produce different FIDSI. Is that correc? Not a problem to me, on the contrary make this game more interesting. Just curious how it is decided. Still FIDSI seems to be related to planet type (see a gas giant).
    • Lots of unique planets. A part of homeworlds I seen Auriga and another planed conditiones by endless activity. Curious about it. Will they reveal more things about galaxy lore? Will the have speacial types of anomalies or FIDSI?
    • Speaking of unique polanets, have you considered things like tidally locked worlds? They'll be cool to see with a desert pole, an ice pole, and habitable ring in the middle, and of course special FIDSI/anomalies. Expect things like this, as weird as you can.
    • Planets in systems are not ordered, like hottest nearest to the star and colder further. As I commented this previously, I can understand Amplitude idea that this makes all system looks the same, but with lots of new planets, nodes, etc.. in ES2, they don't look so similar. So, may I ask you to put an option to order the planets from hotter to colder in galaxy generation?
  • About systems and nodes:
    • Seen a node containing only and asteroid field, but no system with asteroids in a planet position. Has asteroid fields been converted into a special node type, and won¡t see in systems? Not a problem to me. Just curious.
    • Seen nodes with numbers and letters instead of names. Has this any meaning or is only to make galaxy fun? For me looks good and give more flavour.
    • Not sure how system level works. Seen twice first apply locally a luxury and then build a sttlement. But not sure how it is related. Also luxury resourced appeared with a turn counter, is level lost when the turs run down?
    • Not sure how leveling up a system benfits you. Only seen an improvement which gives you Dust related to level.
  • When dealing with minor factions there's always three options. One is war, but others differs whithin bribe/praise and assimilate/brainwahs. Not sure on what this depends (faction, techs unlocked minor faction threads?). Can you explain more?
  • In economic screen I seen that trading companies have an efficeince that seems to reduce whit each new company. As each company seems to be able to sustain more than one route with a subsidiary, what is the advantatge of having more than one company instead of overbuilding the first one?
  • In senate screen there's an option to change your government. Each government explanis a different type of representatives. Excluding dictatorship, which is obvious, can you explain more about how representatives condition your elections?
  • Music. It's awesome!
  • In ship desing screen, and enacting laws screen, Iv'e seen a lot of items. It remembers me EL hero and unit design screens, where items where crowded, and annoying to look for. It never make me abandon the game, neither considering it a bad one, was only a minor annoyance, but always there. In ES2 laws screen Amplitude seems dealing it with filters, but not enough footage to see how it works. Curious how they will deal with this.
  • Last, but not least, I heard in The-Cat-o-.. (I think it's him, if not my apologies in advance) videos saying "as usual" when building system improvenets. I'm not sure if he's impliying that there's a best defined path like ES1 and EL, or only means that it is his strategy build for an specific faction. Mainly thing worried about, still may be only a misunderstand.

Well that's all my doubts. If someonehas reached here, thanks for reading. Also thanks for any answer.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 30, 2016, 8:36:09 PM
  • Last, but not least, I heard in The-Cat-o-.. (I think it's him, if not my apologies in advance) videos saying "as usual" when building system improvenets. I'm not sure if he's impliying that there's a best defined path like ES1 and EL, or only means that it is his strategy build for an specific faction. Mainly thing worried about, still may be only a misunderstand.

 After seen many vidoes, all players take different starting techs and buildings. So supose it's not de Seed storage + Mill foundry start of EL, and there's many tactics useful in early tactics.

Apologies in advance if caused any inconveninence. Probably a misunderstanding.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 12:42:58 PM


I'll try to answer what I can!

lo_fabre wrote:
  • About the Vodyani:
    • I've seen Arks in combat. If they contain Vodyani population, what happens if they're killed? You loose all population on system?

The Ark's debris remain on the system and any Vodyani player can bring a fleet to rebuild it (it has a  cost). 

  • After attaching an Ark to a system, all colonizable planets appears to be colonized, regardless population in the Ark. Is like that? Is there no outpost phase?

Yes, the Vodyani exploit all available planets in a system at the same time :).

  • Can Arks move freely between systems? I've read it in forums, but didn't seen in gameplay. And if moved, what happens to improvements?

Yes they can, they also "carry" with them all improvements you built.

  • Asked in another thread, what happens to systems victims of abductions?

Their population growth is halted/reduced.

  • Can be more than one Ark attached to same system? And if so, is there any benefit?

No, only one Ark can be attached per system :)

  • About the Lumeris:
    • They started with two caravels. I've seen no colony ship. As they buy outposts, I suppose they've got no colony ships at all. Am I correct?

You are correct!

  • About planets:
    • Seemed to me that same planet types may produce different FIDSI. Is that correc? Not a problem to me, on the contrary make this game more interesting. Just curious how it is decided. Still FIDSI seems to be related to planet type (see a gas giant).

Same planet types should have the same base FIDSI; however they can vary depending on the anomalies and resource deposits present on them.

  • Lots of unique planets. A part of homeworlds I seen Auriga and another planed conditiones by endless activity. Curious about it. Will they reveal more things about galaxy lore? Will the have speacial types of anomalies or FIDSI?

I'll leave that for you to see :)

  • About systems and nodes:
    • Seen a node containing only and asteroid field, but no system with asteroids in a planet position. Has asteroid fields been converted into a special node type, and won¡t see in systems? Not a problem to me. Just curious.

Yes right now asteroids are a specific node on the galaxy, and are not present in systems - this could change in the future though.

  • Seen nodes with numbers and letters instead of names. Has this any meaning or is only to make galaxy fun? For me looks good and give more flavour.

For now it means the node is an asteroid field :)

  • Not sure how system level works. Seen twice first apply locally a luxury and then build a sttlement. But not sure how it is related. Also luxury resourced appeared with a turn counter, is level lost when the turs run down?
  • Not sure how leveling up a system benfits you. Only seen an improvement which gives you Dust related to level.

I'll let you try the game before answering that, don't hesitate to tell us if the flow to make a system upgrade is too convoluted. I hope the additional info you'll get once you actually get in control will be enough :)

  • When dealing with minor factions there's always three options. One is war, but others differs whithin bribe/praise and assimilate/brainwahs. Not sure on what this depends (faction, techs unlocked minor faction threads?). Can you explain more?

Currently it depends on factions.

  • In economic screen I seen that trading companies have an efficeince that seems to reduce whit each new company. As each company seems to be able to sustain more than one route with a subsidiary, what is the advantatge of having more than one company instead of overbuilding the first one?

It's actually a substantial advantage: the new HQ of the new Company will trace routes to all existing subsidiaries. You don't quite double your income (because of the efficiency loss), but it's certainly worth it if you make some investments afterwards on the companies.

Well that's all my doubts. If someonehas reached here, thanks for reading. Also thanks for any answer.

Thanks for your interest, the amount of details you gathered from the videos is impressive! I hope you enjoy the game.

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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 1:19:25 PM

Hey jhell! I have a quick question about Planets.

In the third dev document there is a graph depicting planet types by temperature/humidity. Yet in the EA gameplay videos, some of them seem to have been changed and some new ones seem to have been added.

Where exactly do Monsoon planets fit on the scale and can more than one planet be of the same conditions?

For example, if Ocean planets are Flooded/Temperate, can another planet be Flooded/Temperate as well? Where do Monsoon planets fit on the scale?

Also, with some of the returning races from ES1 like the Hissho, Sophons or the Cravers, why were their homeworld types changed?

Some of them don't really make sense from a lore perspective. Why would the Sophon homeworld be a Veldt type planet when it is described as being cold.  A more accurate choice would have been Boreal or Tundra type, considering the fact that Sophon population actually gets a bonus to science on Cold worlds. It just feels very counter intuitive and anti-immersion.

Same with the Hissho and Cravers, who's starting planets were changed from Jungle and Arid to Tropical and Forrest.

Lore wise, Husk should be a barren, bombarded wasteland, not a lush forested world.

Was there any specific reason for these choices?

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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 3:22:25 PM

I've let Meedoc and Slowhands know about your questions as they handled these parts of the game :)

For the Monsoon, it would be a "Wet/Warm" planet on the GDD chart, and no any single combination would be for a unique planet type (for example Forest would be "Wet/Temperate").

EDIT: it seems the current "Monsoon" planet is the old "Swamp" one on the GDD.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 3:31:10 PM
jhell wrote:

I've let Meedoc and Slowhands know about your questions as they handled these parts of the game :)

For the Monsoon, it would be a "Wet/Warm" planet on the GDD chart, and no any single combination would be for a unique planet type (for example Forest would be "Wet/Temperate").

Thank you!

 It was a bit confusing, because in game, there are different words used to describe some planet types. Like Atoll being a Hot/Water type.  I think the GDD are outdated...

One more question, if you would be so kind?

Are we still getting animated planet/colony screens for the other planets? I think you guys showed one for the Steppes type planet at Gamescom 2016, but no new ones have been shown since then, and I don't think they are in the Early Acess version either.

 This makes me wonder if they were cut out of the game altogether.  This is heartbreaking, as they made planets feel more vibrant and the game more immersive!

I can only imagine how cool the Ocean one would be if it were animated!

I'm talking of course about these screens:


EDIT: Oh, so if Monsoon replaces Swamp, then that means Swamp was bumped up to Flooded(Water)/Warm?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 8:21:25 PM

Thanks for your answers.

May I ask another question?

Oh sorry, I'll do anyway: in the videos appears a quest that asks to colonize flooded palnets. As I'm not sure if there's a new type, considering the diagram you putin GDDs, I'd think you're refering to ocean, monsoon and atoll, but not sure if all of them fills the criteria, and if there's another type that also matchs for the quest. Will you may to specify it into a parenthesis, to avoid frustrating moments for the players?


Said that, you can see I looked at the videos like a freak, and have to admid this game looks pretty good.

My only concern about this videos is that you choosed some youtubers that seems know nothing abot ES1/EL, just look the guy with vodyani, who doesn't undestant why can't merge fleets with all CP full.

On the other side, congratulations to PANCZASU, The-cat-o-..., and explorminate, they made good stuff.

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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 8:48:36 PM

Oops! another one:

Seen heroes from minor factions with scanvenger in skill tree. that it means that heroes from minor factions will have skill trees in families like ther ship's designs?

Not a problem. I think it's better in gameplay terms, but still a bit strange in lore terms. Anyway, better for my memory, as I have to store fewer trees in my brain.

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