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8 years ago
Oct 8, 2016, 9:40:35 PM

so as sophons i had colonized a new system, now, have a craver population on my planet? im not sure that my colonists would be happy living beside immigrants who look at them like food

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 12:12:28 AM

Apparently, in game, just like the real world, you get illegal immigrants that want to get into your welfare planets! Damn these pesky Craver terrorists, coming here to our planets, taking our jobs and eating our kids!

They can't even integrate into our culture, I mean, just look at which parties they vote for in every election!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 12:15:23 AM

I hope they bring in a mechanism to purge specific populations in your empire. The problem with the pesky craver is that he/she/it is eating all the FIDS and will leave nothing for my poor Sophons. I hope we are able to make colony ships specific to certain pop in our system which is making the colony ship. That way we can put the craver pop in the colony ship and then just delete it.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 12:21:50 AM
Neurolancer wrote:

I hope they bring in a mechanism to purge specific populations in your empire. The problem with the pesky craver is that he/she/it is eating all the FIDS and will leave nothing for my poor Sophons. I hope we are able to make colony ships specific to certain pop in our system which is making the colony ship. That way we can put the craver pop in the colony ship and then just delete it.

Isn't that what they were bred to do? Kill and eat everything?

But yes, I do agree that some population control tools are needed. Not everyone wants a multicultural empire. 

The only tool I can think of is the Religious law that prohibits Minor Races from breeding. But that still doesn't fix the problem entirely and not everyone has access to it when they need to.

Updated 8 years ago.
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