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Forced Truce and Cravers

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 4:00:21 AM

We know that a truce is forced after a number of turns. However, this doesn't seem to fit lore-wise for Cravers (either as the player or as the enemy). If Cravers can't have diplomatic relations with other players, then it follows that they are always hostile or at the very least, always at cold war.

I understand that the Cravers aren't necessarily mindless killers but at least don't "force" a truce with them - it seems off. It might have been a lot better if Cravers have an option to offer a truce and give the opposing party an option to accept it. Likewise, if the opposing party wants to have a truce, the Cravers should have an option to reject it.

Another option would be a faction trait where compensation from truces are higher if the victor is a Craver.

Updated 8 years ago.
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