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How big is the endless universe?

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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 11:48:00 PM

Something that caught my curiosity with the new lore thats being developed, how big is the universe/territory in ES2? I mean there are some quotes in heroes histories and planet descriptions which talk about trillions yet in game we can only play with 50 - 60 system which would mean that each planet would have extremely high population even gas giants! so i thought that maybe the territory is actually far bigger but due gameplay is impossible to control thousands of worlds am i right? or wrong ? 

What made my think about this was the following picture ( spoilers maybe ? ) 

When it says that we clean an entire arm of  the galaxy it means all of its system ( a huuuge feat for the cravers) or just the 2 or 3 systems there or maybe something in between like a couple of hundreds/thousands of worlds? 

Thanks for the asnwers!. 

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8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 7:57:01 AM

You are asking questions to obvious answers. A galaxy of 50-60 stars is no galaxy. It's a scale at which players can still manage individual systems, yet enjoy the temp of the game.

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8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 10:10:52 AM

Just as with Augaria you don't play on the entire planet and don't even represent the entire faction but often a character split off for whatever reason. You only use a part of the galaxy to do your thing just as much. 

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