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Minor Race Laws

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8 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 4:45:01 PM

I've noticed that the minor races have special laws when you've collected 50 of them, but nowhere does it state other than in the game what these laws do. Is there a list anywhere that states what they are?

EDIT: Would anyone mind posting any pictures of the laws here if you get the chance?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 4:48:11 PM

There have been a couple of posts around the forums showing some of the laws, but there is no complete list of them anywhere to be found.

Honestly, we need a better wiki that goes into more details about all the features in the game.

I have a couple of questions too, like what is the difference between a Temperate planet like Terran and another Temperate one like Monsoon?

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8 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 4:56:03 PM

The dev had promised that they will provide more info when it comes to minor faction laws (and laws info in general). Not sure if it will land for current update, but it will be there during release.

For checking the diff between planet types, you can actually goes to technology tree and check the relevant terraform planet type to see the grid yield of each planet types. Terran provides 8/3/4/4/0 FIDSI with +5 approval, while Monsoon provides 6/2/4/2/0 FIDSI with -5 approval.

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