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I had a dream about Sowers

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8 years ago
Apr 3, 2017, 5:16:26 PM

I had a dream about the Sower on ES2. They were designed as a "symbiotic" kind of faction, focused on improvements and colonization. Their affinity, Planet Shapers, gave the ability to add and anomaly "planet hub", that gave a second population row of 3 pop per planet and only sowers could live there; when in the secondary row they were "virtuals" giving the system a +1% FIDSI per virtual sower, and while "concrete" they used the normal population row, but gave only +1 Ind bonus (could be dragged in between the rows). Any planet could be used to create a hub, even non colonizable or not colonzed (but required an outpost/colony in the system). The virtual sowers did not get any effect from planet or improvement happiness (they weren't count in system approval).

The thing is, when a virtual row was completed the virtual hub could be upgraded, between cybernetic-type, organic-type or neutral focus, adding a bonus per concrete (sower or not) population. A "cybernetic" focus improved industry and science, an "organic" food and dust and the "neutral" gave influence and happiness. Each improvement had 3 tiers, each tier giving +1 extra population to the virtual row and +1 to the focus bonus. Any focus could be changed as improvement (high industry cost). Terran and other T1 Planets that have a maxed hub could be shaped into a planet-type called "paradise" with the highest FIDSI stats from normal planets and a +5 aproval, but unable to add a focus to the hub.

An interesting trait in my dream was "hivemind politics", making the original population on empire always vote for the player supported party.

Weird dream, uh.

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7 years ago
Jan 23, 2018, 5:47:18 PM

I tried to make them as a custom race. Riftborn visuals and planet brokers but it's just not the same :( 

The riftborn whole another dimension race ruins my robot race.  In every 4x i play i take on the robotic race.

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7 years ago
Jan 23, 2018, 11:50:34 PM

Riftborn aren't technically robots... they're extra-dimensional beings. They just use these robot looking bodies to be able to function withing the ES universe.

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7 years ago
Jan 24, 2018, 7:39:55 AM

I never played ES1, so I draw my information solely from the Wiki. The Sowers and the Automatons seem to be some very interesting factions. Wouldn't mind it, if they get added one day. Thus, I like your ideas about the Sowers and the additional pop row and the focus options coming with it. Also, I would fix the focus once it was set. Otherwise it sound a bit too powerful.

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