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Automating population migration to maximise faction bonuses

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8 years ago
Apr 6, 2017, 5:11:55 PM

What do you guys think about having an AI optimise our population migration after systems are upgraded? I'm talking about automatically moving population stacks that, for example, favour Temperate planets to such planets if there are free population slots available there. You should be able to toggle this on and off because for some systems you might want to take advantage of some buildings that provide bonuses to "original" population or "foreign" population. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 6, 2017, 8:21:43 PM

Why not? It's tedious at the moment, especially on a wide empire, and if you ignore it, you end up with sub-optimal FIDSI. There is already an option to automate system development, this is just an extension of that mechanic.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 8, 2017, 2:45:36 PM

I think it should remain manual. Allows a difference between casual play and high-end in understanding who to send where to optimize FIDSI.

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8 years ago
Apr 8, 2017, 6:17:41 PM

You should absolutely be able to automate it. Especially given you can automate build queues and this has vastly less thought

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8 years ago
Apr 10, 2017, 1:53:09 AM

I think the AI goverment system should have the option to manage population on systems, it will be really useful. Managing population between systems could be problematic for the AI, like keep sending civilian ships to a system with a blockade on the way and slowly crippling your empire

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 10, 2017, 7:59:49 AM
N.N.Thoughts wrote:

What do you guys think about having an AI optimise our population migration after systems are upgraded? I'm talking about automatically moving population stacks that, for example, favour Temperate planets to such planets if there are free population slots available there. You should be able to toggle this on and off because for some systems you might want to take advantage of some buildings that provide bonuses to "original" population or "foreign" population. 


While it might seem like a simple decision, optimising population at empire level is an extremely complicated problem with a lot of conflicting objectives and constraints to consider in parallel - I know because I wrote the specs for the AI's management of its population. What's more while occasionally questionable choices are acceptable for an AI empire, I honestly don't think it's possible to write an AI that won't frustrate at least some players at least some of the time, and the consequences of a bad decision (losing population) is pretty serious. As such I can say pretty definitively that this isn't something we're considering.

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8 years ago
Apr 10, 2017, 1:56:16 PM

Just to consider:

Suppose you got pop from faction A that gives +1 dust and +1 extra dust on hot, while you got pop from faction B that gives +1 ind and +1 ind on fertile (just supposition).

If you got a Fertile and hot planet, which pop should the AI move to my planet, as this is good for both.

Of course you can make a governor like menu to prioritize any specific FIDSI or MP, but still this may be complex when you got two pop with similar bonus or pops that give bonus to 2 different FIDSI or an enemy fleet blockading one of the planets where pop are moving to or from.

Very hard to me, and think Amp is making the correct decision here.

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