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TECH/DEV: How well does ESII permformance scale on on multicore CPUs?

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7 years ago
May 23, 2017, 11:30:03 AM

Hi there devs,

I got tricky question for you, regarding game internals. As stated above, how well is game engine and AI module paralellized?

Is there set number of execution threads or does the game scale automagically depending on the hardware resources available?

Have you done any internal testing or comparison between quad and octa core systems of similar freq.? Did performance scale accordingly?

I'm writing this since I will be soon upgrading from good old intel 3770k that simply does not cut anymore (on ESII only sadly, excellent performance otherwise), to either intel 7770K or amd 1700X.

Endless space II performance is deciding factor here. It one of those games that are truly cpu bound, similar to civilization V and similar.

Long live the empire !

Edit: Fixed the typoes.

Updated 7 years ago.
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