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OverColonization and Luxuries

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7 years ago
Jun 10, 2017, 5:45:55 PM

I was poking at things and realized the 'uncommon' Happiness luxury is just a 50% OverPopulation reduction which is terrible, compared to Transvine giving just straight +25 Happiness.

Additionally the 'rare' Happiness Luxury giving -50% OverColonization which is the same as Expansionists 2 seems too good as that is a high value trait. Plus if you stack it on all 3 System levels it actually turns overColonization into a Happiness bonus.

I have figured out how to make the OverColonization bonus multiplicative so if you put it on all 3 levels it is an 88% reduction in the over colonization bonus instead of a 150% reduction. Not quite sure what to do with the uncommon luxury though. Should it just be a smaller reduction like 30% or something else?

Yes this is asking in refrence to my next update to the OverColonization Rebalance mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=941893800

Updated 7 years ago.
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