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Please stream ES2 (and your other games!) weekly!

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7 years ago
Jul 11, 2017, 1:55:05 PM

There is no better way to foster an active, engaged community than streaming with regularity. It's a nice way to showcase the game, listen to the community, and get to know the devs.

I've been spoiled by Paradox, and how they stream every weekday, and I'm missing having an Amplitude stream. 

Granted, 5 days a week is a bit too much. But how about couple of hours, every week? you can play with the community, versus the AI, devs vs devs, you name it. 

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7 years ago
Jul 17, 2017, 12:51:08 AM

I kind of feel like there is enough stuff to be fixed and added right now that waiting might be a better choice. But that's just me...

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7 years ago
Jul 17, 2017, 2:30:43 PM
Slashman wrote:

I kind of feel like there is enough stuff to be fixed and added right now that waiting might be a better choice. But that's just me...

I understand your concern, but looking at one of their twitter account - @InsideAmplitude - they have 64 employees. Well over a dozen programmers. They can steal one of them for a couple of hours per week without really impacting bug squashing. Althought this is in the ES2 forum, they can play other Amplitude games like Endless Legend and Dungeon of the Endless, minimizing impact in Es2 even more.

Also, they have writers, artists, designers, people that aren't directly involved in fixing bugs. Say, Frogsquadron can grab FlyByNo for a couple hours and play through the games he scored and talk about his music. Wouldn't that be cool?

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 17, 2017, 4:09:04 PM

Glad to hear there's interest for more streams! For sure, while we generally consider ourselves pioneers of the streaming adventure, we have stagnated quite a bit on that front, and others, Paradox foremost (credit where it's due!), have made considerable strides in that area.

We're looking at making our streams more regular, with themed streams, events, and the like, but if you do have ideas, by all means, we're open to suggestions! :)

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7 years ago
Jul 18, 2017, 11:08:53 AM

If the people at Amplitude don't have the time to stream themselves they could always promote other people playing their game.

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7 years ago
Jul 20, 2017, 4:24:52 PM

Here are some ideas for streams:

- Playing mods from the workshop

- Roleplaying factions

- Explanning game/faction mechanics

- Playing custom factions

- Meet the team - writers, art, designers, coders, music etc

- Devs vs devs

- Devs vs the community

- Community choice - we vote on game parameters/faction choices

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