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Are Craver pops really supposed to be part of your empire?

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 1:58:37 PM

Conquering a Craver system ends up with you absorbing craver pops.


Seriously?!  Yeah, I'll have cancer and a side of gangrene with my new system plz.

Or is this a bug?

Or is there some technique to discarding unwanted pops?

Most pops it would be morally wrong to get rid of for everyone but the Cravers, I would think (maybe Vodyiani?) - but for all other races the Craver could not be tolerated (excpet possibly as a very short-term expeience as slaves).

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 2:07:03 PM

If you look at the artworks, there is peacefull cravers even in big cosmopolitan towns. Looks like they are not bad when they are not under the control of the hive, for some reasons. Problem is they still deplete planets. So I never ever moove them. They need to stay on the planet they ate !

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 2:11:59 PM

They have a bad habit of multiplying like other races.  And they jump from world to world, even if they stay in the system.

You can abandon the system - which does annihilate them.  Kind of a sucky option - but better than having Cravers!  :D

I would love to have a law (or set of laws) to get rid of them - they can have various consequences (Policy: annihilate the defeated, Policy: enslave the defeated, Policy: assimilate the defeated) - something like that...

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 2:13:05 PM

Or specific to Cravers - a policy to require them to become civilized - i.e. no longer environemntally destructive.

Especially in the case of conquering them with the Unfallen - to then leave them destroying the ecosystem is just w*r*o*n*g :P

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7 years ago
Aug 29, 2017, 5:14:25 PM

What?  I'm feeding them "lead".

Surely that's the meal they most deserve? ;)

(Also, we will not waste them!

Their bodies will be composted for the greater wellbeing of the galaxy, rest assured!)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 12:52:16 AM

I also feel the need to get rid of unwanted population as Horatio. When I take too long to Genesplice or when the minor pop grows too fast there are still some minor population leftover after the genesplicing and that feels wrong, as Horatio...

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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 4:00:33 AM

I don't know why every Horatio players assume that they would necessarily kill off the minor population of their empire. They want to beautify the galaxy and this is such a brutish and uncouth thing to do. No a trully magnificent leader would move them all in multiculturalism systems where they can happily live their life basking in the radiance of other fully horatioed systems. See such a refined way to act without any problematics at all.

But yeah cravers being kept alive is harder to explain. For the Unfallen it actually makes some sense as I can see them letting nature take it's course (as in let them die off alone in their hellhole planets unless they adapt) but for an expantionist faction like th UE it's harder to explain.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 30, 2017, 9:06:32 PM

Oh, I was thinking more in terms of gameplay... After few genesplicing the Horatio population becomes better than any population out there, therefore my main instinct is to get rid of all minor pop already genespliced to give room for Horatios that already have their bonuses. And losing these pop is no real deal since Horatios grows like rabbits.

But yes, from the metaplot view, it may seem extremely horrific even for megalomaniac narcisist Horatio Prime. But the concept of genesplicing is already beyond normal acceptable behavior.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 31, 2017, 7:11:06 AM

Oh yeah from a gameplay standpoint horatio pop all the way. Still I feel my solution is a decent stopgap right now. Rush out level 2 developement and jam all you minor pops into your bad systems. I don't imagine the time to make the switch should come out too quickly anyway as Horatio do need a few genesplicing first.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 31, 2017, 1:57:07 PM

Heh - a sort of dump-the-chumps.

One could even abandon the "garbage system" every once in a while terminating all of those pops - and resettle it just to have a "clean" dumping ground.

sick - but effective.

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7 years ago
Sep 1, 2017, 6:35:26 AM

Actually; if you really want and the system has a spaceport. You can drag and drop the population to the spacesport, send them to a full system, and they will simply dissapear next turn. Rinse and repeat until 0 pop, transfer one of your own from another system and then the new one being born will be those.

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7 years ago
Sep 6, 2017, 3:36:33 PM

I just spread Cravers out. They are very productive pops until depletion, and a single Craver won't deplete a system until you've attained a great advantage from their work. They don't grow faster than other pops, and you can encourage other pops to grow faster with luxuries.

Cravers - even in non-Craver empires - teach an important lesson: the game does not last forever; take advantages in the short term where you can. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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