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How many Victories can you win with?

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7 years ago
Oct 16, 2017, 7:44:56 PM

I wonder is there 

6 different Goal to win with

And 8 different Faction

Does that mean there is 48 differents outcome to this game or are there some similarity to some?

Also are there any score limit you win with? Cause I usully win with score even when I have different goal. Keeps it really hard for me to play. Guess I'm a aggressive player.

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7 years ago
Oct 17, 2017, 8:23:41 AM

There are actually 7 different victory conditions.




So there are 56 different ways to win not including custom factions. It's pretty difficult (or you have to go out of your way) to win an elimination victory without winning conquest or supremacy first, unless you are Vodyani or Unfallen (who don't take over systems after invasion). All factions have an emphasis to what victory condition to work towards, but you can decide to play them differently, often giving them a very different feel. The quests often add the possibility of this extra flavour. For example, Sophons are naturally geared towards a science victory, but you can turn them into a viable military machine if you pick certain quest options. Conversely, UE are geared towards military/wonder victories, but you can easily switch them out to a science victory orientation as part of their quest line. 

To answer your second question, there isn't a score limit as such, but rather it's who has the highest score at a certain turn limit. You can turn this off at the options screen if you find that the game ends before you've achieved your goals. 

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7 years ago
Oct 17, 2017, 8:35:49 AM

Score limit happens at the end of the turn limit for a given game speed. It is not a ceiling you hit as much as "who is the highest when that timer ends." You can deactivate specific victory conditions if you so wish, when you create the game. 

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7 years ago
Oct 17, 2017, 11:25:33 AM

Thanks for the answers... also about the score victory too... It feels like i'm all testing the game winning cause it is so huge and differents condition with the victories and all... Love it:)

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7 years ago
Oct 17, 2017, 11:32:38 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Score limit happens at the end of the turn limit for a given game speed. It is not a ceiling you hit as much as "who is the highest when that timer ends." You can deactivate specific victory conditions if you so wish, when you create the game. 


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