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What happened to the closed beta forum?

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7 years ago
Nov 21, 2017, 3:05:16 PM

I realize the closed beta has eneded - but it's frustrating that the the sub-forum was removed.  We spent a lot of time discussing various aspect of the gameplay, points which would be good to be able to discuss or reference moving forward in other conversations.  Now that is all gone (or at least removed from view/access).  Why?  Lock it if you have to, but it's unforutnate that we were just removed from accessing that information.

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7 years ago
Nov 22, 2017, 5:03:57 PM

The subforum is still here, but only accessible to the dev team now. I posted to warn testers would be losing access a day before the update shipped.

The current format of the Games2Gether does not allow read-only forums, so it's a trade-off: we need to refocus the conversation on places the community has access to (heaven knows we're having the same conversation in numerous places already), but at the same time, this prevents our testers from accessing their closed beta posts.

If there's something specific you'd like us to pull from the forum, you can always drop us a line in a pm and we'll do our best to help you.

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