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Congratulations Amplitude on the free weekend!

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7 years ago
Nov 26, 2017, 7:49:08 AM

I would say it is a huge success, the player base has increased at least three fold, metacritic improved the score of the game as people were re introduced to the game in the best state with the statecraft update. 

And most importantly, there are now multiplayer games being played in the US so I no longer have to wake up at eight a.m. to get into a good multiplayer game!

So thank you! You have made my life better because now multiplayer can be had around the clock, and as a self proclaimed ambassador for multiplayer I thank you for making my gameplaying easier by giving the masses a look at the evolving masterpiece space opera you have created!

I know, this is cheesey and selfish, but thank you for making my gaming experience easier, also what kind of loon sets his alarm clock in the morning to play a video game.  Guess that is why I chose the addict title.

LOL and thank you!

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