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How does Cravers + slaves affect approval in a system?

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7 years ago
Jan 3, 2018, 6:52:49 PM

I have been trying to play as Cravers and I am trying to optimise a system approval with them.

They seem to have a very negative impact when they divide the same planet with their slaves, and slaves generally have a better approval when they're left alone.

Is there a more elaborate rule on how this works? Also, does depletion of a planet affects approval or only FIDSI?

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7 years ago
Jan 4, 2018, 5:53:43 PM

Depletion of a planet does not affect approval directly.  As for the slave question, you get -10 to approval for each slave on a world also occupied by at least one craver.  That can obviously stack up very quickly but those slaves do produce 100% more fids than if they were by themselves or on the same planet with another non-craver faction.  It's therefore a balancing act between getting as much out of your slaves as you can while maintaining a desirable level of approval.  The best way to do this early game is to go to war with everyone you see, including minor factions as each instance will give you +15 approval rating.

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7 years ago
Jan 6, 2018, 1:02:12 AM
Omnom1212 wrote:

Depletion of a planet does not affect approval directly.  As for the slave question, you get -10 to approval for each slave on a world also occupied by at least one craver.  That can obviously stack up very quickly but those slaves do produce 100% more fids than if they were by themselves or on the same planet with another non-craver faction.  It's therefore a balancing act between getting as much out of your slaves as you can while maintaining a desirable level of approval.  The best way to do this early game is to go to war with everyone you see, including minor factions as each instance will give you +15 approval rating.

Wow, thanks! Now everything makes much more sense. Thankfully in the Dictatorship regime they didn´t revolt, but the Influence penalty from 0% Approval is strong. 

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7 years ago
Jan 6, 2018, 2:15:28 AM

My biggest concern with disapproval is system food production. You can actually start losing pops if you don't manage your planet-by-planet pops properly. I'm playing my first Cravers round right now and it's been a serious min-max learning experience. I'm still unsure what the best approach is, that is, regarding the ratio between slave pops and cravers on individual planets. From what I understand, the slave pops don't get the +100% FISDI bonus without a craver pop on the planet to "drive the slaves". So if you separate your Cravers from your slaves, then there's not as much of an approval penalty (but you'll have at least one planet with the Cravers that will deplete very quickly), but you also sacrifice the FISDI bonus. So the question is, how do you balance planet depletion rates with approval/food/influence output system per system? Afaik, there's no tried and true rule and all of this will change depending on the circumstances in the game you're currently playing.

Also, I believe the approval bonus per faction at war is +10, not +15? It's been a few days since I've played, so I could be wrong. I just remember being surprised, because I thought it was higher than +10.

EDIT: It is +15. This is why you don't take breaks playing ES2.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 6, 2018, 4:41:05 PM

You said it right, it all depends on your circumstances. Playing Cravers is like juggling to get the best out of the moment. Personally, I always shuffle them around as soon as I get a new pop, to make sure it goes to the right place.

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7 years ago
Jan 6, 2018, 7:08:17 PM

Nobody going to be happy if you living in the condition that on random chance, you might end up as livestock. Since Craver can't be peace unless Pacifist is in senate, you can just declare war on everyone you met for easy approval due to Force Law on Militarist.

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7 years ago
Jan 7, 2018, 1:57:04 PM

And also get that military law where you get approval for each ship and then you spam ships like crazy....

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7 years ago
Jan 7, 2018, 5:53:29 PM
Pluvinarch wrote:

And also get that military law where you get approval for each ship and then you spam ships like crazy....

Or another bill that give you 15 more approval per war.

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