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Full campaign story

YES let the creative team run rampant.
NO we like shallow stories becauce no one reads anymore.
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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 7:00:43 AM

Quite simply a full campaign story that gives background to the endless universe.  After viewing “quality time with Jeff Spock” it seems clears that your senior writer would love to bring out background history within the game. 

My thoughts on this are let the team make a full campaign story with many art and video assets and new unique ships, planets, and nodes to add.  Choice in the story lines and real consequence for actions and dilemmas.  Make it a DLC of quality and depth.  The campaign ought to run the entire playthrough length of the game.

Ok thats it.  Reply if you like the idea and lets get some action injected to keep this game going for a very long time.

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 1:27:07 PM

While a campaign story would be cool and I do want to learn more background history of the game, I'm not sure it's suitable for the direction they're going with. Jeff Spock made a post in another thread (if I remember correctly) how they like the way they've set it up, in a way that while each faction has their themes and own story, how they are set in the universe as a whole vs other factions and so on, has no canon story to it. It's all up to how you interpret them and how you want them to go.

If they make a campaign story it'd likely end up being more linear in how the factions are told, and how they are portrayed (since you can choose different paths for them) will likely end up more canon than the rest. It'd also be hard to make a campaign that doesn't have the factions going up against eachother and that'd cause problems to the narrative freedom they want in that each match you play is a new story you set up yourself.

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7 years ago
Jan 30, 2018, 6:23:06 PM

It's a 4X game, not an RPG. ES2 already has more content than most games of the genre.

That said, I would really like for the devs to flesh out the Academy quest. Maybe, turn it into a victory quest like in EL. As of right now, it's nothing but a waste of time 

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7 years ago
Jan 31, 2018, 2:25:29 AM

Let me clarify 



The story would be a DLC and therefore optional.  It would be a DLC of substance and depth, new faction, new ships, new nodes and story.



The story would not impact on existing factions.  It would be a background dynamic story that unfolds throughout the game session.  It would react to player choices. An example would be if an empire faction is eliminated then the story would reflect this having different endings or narrative, this would increase replay ability as the story would be different depending on what happens in game.  If a player uses planet killer weapons then a story could unfold around ecological disasters. If a player builds an observatory, then new discoveries could be made. Relic systems could be introduced, offering empire wide bonuses and new emergant star systems to investigate and exploit. Multi player dominance will restrict creativity as all games ultimately look and play the same based on the premise that all things have to be equel, life is not like that.  


Yes this game is not an RPG and I am no way suggesting that it should be.  Campaign story can be told within the scope of this game.  The "Vortex campaign in Total war hammer 2 ", represents one of the finest campaign examples in recent years.  It does change the way you play the game without intruding upon player imaginings or freedom.  It offers new game play mechanics that shake the formula up.  I often wonder what Total War would be like if they made a space 4X game, probably perfect.  Suggest opening up a dialogue with amplitudes sister company on this, just to get some ideas.


The lore and history of the endless could be told quite effectively with art and visual assets.  It does not need to be linear, many games are choosing story to be told in a more flexible way. New game mechanics can be introduced.  Introduction of new factions or star systems could be created in mid game.  


The issue with quest stories are that the player often gets blocked from completing the given quest.  I have played through whole games without finishing some quests.  This blocks the story and is in danger of becoming redundant.  


I feel that ES2 is swimming in the shallows, not wanting to be adventurous enough.  Yes the content is there but adding more factions and ships is ultimately playing it safe.  This game needs to evolve to survive and flourish.  Developers need to be pushed and tested. The best single player games are doing this.  Multi player is a very different fish.  I suppose I am trying to nudge ES2 into a more single player arena, otherwise, like most multiplayer games, it's shelf life could be limited in the long term.  


My experience is that a creative team needs meaty direction, new and uncharted concepts to flourish.  If not then they get stale and the game starts to reflect this.  Leadership and direction are key here.

Updated 7 years ago.
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