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Some Questions-Vodyani; Happyness for modernised systems, (Bonus: Efficent shilding question)

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7 years ago
Feb 19, 2018, 12:53:26 PM


1) How does Vodyani Happyness work?

I've been playing recently with pleantiful access luxuary resources, and thus getting my systems to level 2 (1st level of modernisatio) has been easy. I don't rightly understand how the happyness bonus for this works - it looks like it should be +1 per population (maybe multiplied by plannets); yet in reality it is in the hundreds! I have not needed to focus on happyness tec and am close (2 systems away) from winning a conquest victory... and my entire empire is at 100% happyness!

What is going on? Surely it should be harder than this!

2) Anyone know how this has changed with the patch that has just hit?

3) Bonus Unrelated question: The hyperium based shild gives "-50% inflicted critical damage"...It's pretty obvious but I just want to check, this is a penalty for the ship building the component-yes? Not a defence against the extra damage of critical hits.

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7 years ago
Feb 19, 2018, 3:02:38 PM

I am pretty sure the shield is a bonus to defense, not a penalty to your attacks.

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