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Why no trade routes?

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7 years ago
Mar 4, 2018, 3:01:05 AM

I've recently built a HQ for my third trading company, but it's not creating any trade routes.

Interstar Group has its new HQ on Maial, just one star lane away from Gemini, the HQ of Andromeda Company.  Andromeda is able to form trade routes, so I can't imagine what could be interfering with Interstar unless there is something on Maial itself.  But Maial is deep in the heart of my territory, with no enemy fleets anywhere nearby.

The map doesn't show any blockades, either.

Any ideas what's stopping them?

Also, I've just built my third trading subsidiary on Adana (middle of the picture), finished on the turn this screenshot was taken, but none of my trading companies have formed a route to it.

This is stopping me from completing my main quest line, which requires me to have 6 trade routes.

AutoSave 119.sav

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 5, 2018, 11:56:28 AM

Verta looks like an enemy system. Do the routes go through that? 

Out of interest - were your other companies built before you got wormhole tech? Maybe they take a longer route that isn't blocked, unlike the shorter route that is?

(I actually preferred Endless Legend's system of producing the maximally profitable routes dynamically each turn, compared to ES2's handling which is much more static. But I think there were development reasons for this approach.)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 5, 2018, 5:41:37 PM

Vorta is controlled by a player in cold war.  All my trade routes go through that system, and it hasn't been a problem up until now.

All company HQs were built after discovering wormhole tech (and none of them are in the same constellation as any of the subsidiaries, so there's no possibility of a route without wormholes, even if we don't trust the game's own depiction on the map of where the trade routes are going).

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 2:12:19 AM

I tried declaring war and capturing Vorta.  Declaring war broke my remaining trade routes.  Capturing Vorta re-established the ones that worked before (first 2 HQ to first 2 subsidiaries), but the third HQ and third subsidiary still weren't working.

Eventually I got desperate enough to try scrapping the trade HQ.  This gave me a message implying the system had been captured:

When I built a new HQ at Ingris, though, everything started working, and I suddenly had 9 trade routes.

I'm thinking Maial must have been bugged, perhaps due to the fact that it used to have a pirate base on it.

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7 years ago
Mar 12, 2018, 4:43:07 AM

Another possible reason - I was instructed to build an outpost (then a colony) in Maial as part of a questline (The Living Plague parts 2-3)

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