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Rank the faction intros

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7 years ago
Mar 11, 2018, 5:50:29 PM

I'm going to be making many thread where all rank from favourite to least favourite (Or vice versa) aspects of all factions, from theme song to intro to endings.

So let us start with intros

My list goes

9: Sophons: Funny but a bit plain

8: United Empire: I'm over the pretty overused dystopian communism type themes, but regardless created a good atmosphere

7: Unfallen: Creates a good feeling that the Unfallen were just unaware of everything even themselves,  they're slow peaceful beings, hence their intro is also pretty lacking in excitement but fits their races personality perfect.

6: Horatio: Beautiful intro getting into the mind of a megalomaniac if again doesn't really hype you up to play him just admire his insanity.

5: Lumeris: Great intro, introducing you to how things work behind the scenes of the Lumeris Society and how this new recruit could shake things up with his more reckless behavior.

4: Cravers: Really pumps you up, the first person shooter part was fantastic

3: Riftborn: Abstract art plus beautiful piano piece creates a sense of hopelessness, right from the start you know what your mission is, survive this new universe.

2: Vodyani: Wonderful art, a powerful intro that gives backstory on the race and how they came to be. Followed by an amazing bass accompanied by a wonderful shot of their fleet flying overhead

1: Vaulters: Feeling OP bots pain in having failed his people just to see he was given another chance, beautiful nostalgia powered intro

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 11, 2018, 6:28:28 PM

1 horatio

2 sophons

3 cravers

4 vodyani

5 united empirw

6 riftborn

7 vaulters

8 unfallen

9 lumeris

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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 3:18:13 PM

1. Horatio (The scene where he exits the door with all Horatio reflections merging into one truly personifies the faction. And the narration, shiny stuff, sparkles and overall fabulousness of it was great. Perfect for a narcissist.)

2. Riftborn (Really beautiful the way this was done. For some reason, I always feel the sadness, desperation and determination of the Riftborn when it goes "willing to do anything to save our own")

3. Craver (we need that Endless universe FPS game now!)

4. Sophons (E.N.F.E.R narration was cool. Also, it showing how the Sophons put the plans to build it and it narrating its own story while its creators look on)

5. Vaulters (Nostalgia! yay! and Opbot!)

6. Vodyani (Uniquely done. Does not stand out too much, maybe the soundtrack was good?)

7. Unfallen (Just is not comparable to the trailers above. Normal one I guess?)

8. Lumeris (High point of the trailer was the 'kid' misusing Dust :P But pretty much the trailer is sitting around the table and talking. Not much into that)

9. UE (Propaganda video. Get enough of those in the real world!)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 3:35:14 PM

In decending order:

1. Empire

2. Lumeries

3. Horatio

4. Sophons

5. Vodyani

6. Vaulters

7. Craver

8. Riftborn

9. Unfallen

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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 9:25:07 PM

That’s really tough to rate as the intros are so well done. My ratings will be dependent on how each intro video connects with me on a personal level. Some really get me in the mood of playing a specific race. They manage to drag me in and create a great athmosphere. Others not so much. 

From 1-9 with 1 being the best

1. Vaulters: the most recent one and also the most emotional one for me. 

2. Vodyani: amazing dust artwork. The voice is so fitting for this religious race, too. 

3. UE: just #3 but it was this one which got me to get the game as it was in early access – still loving it – it reminds me a bit of Starship Troopers – the end albeit short is nothing less than amazing.

4. Horatio: the scenery with the mirrors and laughing reflections in them is grand; also Horatio being just fabulous is a big plus, too.

5. Cravers: just watched it again and it never fails to get me in the mood playing Cravers again: the FPS part just rocks.

6. Lumeris: re-watching the intro again makes me want to play them more – probably my least-played race; got interested about the characters and storyline; their Comic was one of my favourites, too.

7. Riftborn: great artwork which reminds me of a fantastic 2009 rendering demo which brought computers to their knees back then. Fails to connect a bit with me. Can’t feel the xenophobia nor the constant fear of the race. Great Piano Song, though.

8. Sophons: E.N.F.E.R. will probably hate me for this rating; I like the Soundtrack, though. Sorry funny Sophon-buddies. 

9. Unfallen: I like to play them; the intro fails a bit to get me in the right mood again, though. 

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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 6:30:11 AM

1) Vodyani - Just simply amazing! I love the music, artwork, and the speech she gives - especially the last line!

2) Sophons - This one has more of a sentimental value for me since this is the faction intro that got me into Endless Space. I didn't play ES1 nor Endless Legend but I saw the faction intro on youtube and it got me hyped for the game. A 4x race full of space kerbals? Count me in!

3) United Empire - Love the Starship Troopers vibe then it cuts out to the grim reality of UE, just perfect!

4) Riftborn - Best faction music imo. The intro and video are pretty great; maybe a bit too biased because they are my favorite faction - I just love their aesthetics!

5) Horatio - I gotta admit, I thought a race full of cloned rich dude was a bit too gimmicky when I first heard of them in early access. I definitely wasn't too fond of them and thought it was a waste of a major faction slot, but this intro changed my mind and now Horatio is one of my most played factions! 

6) Vaulters - I didn't play ES1, DotE, or EL so I wasn't really familiar with the Vaulters and their rich history in the Endless lore. The faction intro is great, but I feel like it draws too much upon the previous games (which is not bad at all, but as a newcommer it's doesn't do much for me). Love their music still!

7) Cravers - Good intro and solid music - I feel like it's simple and straight to the point. 

8) Lumeris - Out of the 4 original factions during early access (Sophons, Vodyani, and Cravers are the other), their faction intro was the weakest for me. It's okay setting up the stage for the story and the families but...meh. Their comic is pretty top tier though!

9) Unfallen - Their intro is a bit of a let down for me, I suppose even so since they were after the release of the Riftborn and it's pretty hard to top that one up for me. 

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7 years ago
Mar 14, 2018, 8:59:13 AM

1. Vaulters - Hands down the best intro because of the scale of emotions that I felt during watching it. It was mind-blowing to see Zolya and Opbot in the scene because of their history together. I am bit biased on this because Vaulters are my favorite faction in EL.

2. Horatio - The symbolism and beauty of it. I guess it was also very relatable because Horatio was bullied and ridiculed as a child and now he has a chance to create a galaxy in his image.

3. United Empire - Getting emperor of mankind and starship trooper vibes from it. All and all it gives a great introduction to the faction.

4. Cravers - Really shows them as destructive machines and doesn't pretend that Cravers are anything else than planet consumers. The FPS part was exciting.

5. Lumeris - I loved this mainly because of the ship boarding scene, but peeking into the mafia-like world was also interesting.

6. Unfallen - The music and the voice telling the story makes it awesome.

7. Riftborn - Beautiful, but it would've been cool to see a Riftborn in person in the intro.

8. Sophons - Gives good introduction to Sophons, altough it's not among my favorite factions.

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7 years ago
Mar 15, 2018, 2:48:17 AM

1. United Empire - I LOVE the music.  I love it love it love it so much and the intro is done so well.  They're not my favorite race but the atmopshere is so well done.

2. Vodyani - gorgeous!

3. Horatio - stunning

4. Vaulters - wonderful story

5.  Unfallen - so beautiful!

6.  Riftborn - gives me chills

7. Cravers - Could have been better

8.  Sophons (would have preferred serious tone)

9.  Lumeris (I'm not into gangster stuff)

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7 years ago
Mar 17, 2018, 1:28:24 AM

9: Vodyani - I feel a bit like the Unfallen about them, except that it's even less memorable.

8: Lumeris - The story is good, but the intro isn't cinematic enough.

7: Unfallen - While relatively good at showing who they are, this faction is just too much EL-esque for me. Ents in space. The intro is about ents in space. It works, but it's not very exciting.

6: Sophons - quite funny but a bit too cliché. I always wish we would see more of their inventions.

5: Vaulters - it makes me feel relieved. Not really a fan of EL though, and their intro doesn't make me understand what they are about.

4: Riftborn - I like the abstract look of the origin universe, it feels fresh. It's the opposite of the United Empire, which is a very well done take on a common trope. The Riftborn feels original.

3: United Empire - very cool "dystopia" feeling, very well done and designed. More subte than the Sophons.

2: Horatio - it's just between the familiar and the fondamentaly alien. It portrays very well the "uncanny valley" aspect of the Horatio, how they are monsters and genius in the same time. Their intro is very rich.

1: Cravers - there's jsut something powerful to it. However I would probably love it less if it wasn't for their musical theme and how well the sound is done in their intro. Very inventive too.

I also took the liberty to rank them depending on how everyone did so far (1 point for 9th rank ; 9 points for 1st rank), here's the result:

1 - Horatio with 63 points. Very popular by a huge margin, their intro is simply perfect at protraying their mad genius.

2 - United Empire with 54 points. Very good at doing a classic thing. Portrays the United Empire very well.

3 - Vaulters with 52 points. They're new and there's nostalgia involved, but I must admit it also plays nicely with our feelings.

4 - Vodyani with 50 points. Kinda surprised by that one, I guess I should rewatch it. ... Done it. Well, the music is nice, and I get the fresco feels original to some, but I've seen it in too many video games to feel impressed. The story itself is a the typical religious faction... I still find it wuite underwhelming compared to what the Vodyani are in game - that is space vampires.

5 - Cravers with 49 points. Kinda surprised too, I guess that it's maybe too "simple". But it's still very good at portraying what this faction is about (contrarily to the two above imo).

6 - Riftborn with 43 points. We're approaching the less popular intros with the Riftborn. Sadly the people who ranked them the lower didn't provide many arguments, but my guess is that it has something to do with them not being (relatively) humanoid and also not corresponding to a common trope. No matter what you do, the majority of people will prefer the humanoid aliens, and we don't see anything to identify with in their intro.

7 - Sophons with 39 points. They're simply a bit too cliché, on the other extreme of the spectrum. Humanoid goblins in space, pseudo-mad scientists, intelligent AI... We've seen that too many times to be impressed.

8 - Lumeris with 30 points. Everyone seems to agree that while their faction story is nice, their intro isn't very good. We would have expected something about the faction rather than the beginning of their story, I think. And it's not even great at starting the story. The first time I saw it I needed to read the story to understand what I just saw.

9 - Unfallen with 23 points. They fall far behind, and I think that's because of a combination of being a dull faction ("our ents are different!") and a quite stoic intro. Their gameplay is very unique and distinctive though.

Updated 7 years ago.
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